in ThoughtWorks Technology Radar at the end of 2016. It extends the concepts of micro services to the frontend world. ※ 10
containerized applications across multiple hosts; providing basic mechanisms for deployment, maintenance, and scaling of applications. ※ 20
right tools for your purpose ◦ application testing -> skaffold + minikube ◦ multiple clusters testing -> kind • Not use as pv or pvc as possible ◦ use the configmap, environment variable 34 Kubernetes
team for aggregate page ◦ for common js or css ◦ ex. team-black ? team-red ? • Design for communicating between teams. ◦ PubSub ? DOM API ? ◦ Asynchronous? Synchronous? ◦ Interface 35 Micro Frontends
databases or tables by team ? ◦ this sample separates the tables by team ▪ Really, databases ? • Determine the team by structure the database ? ◦ ex. ▪ product -> team-red ▪ recommend -> team-green 36 Micro Frontends