t1.wind, t2.wind AS wind_end, t1.press, t2.press AS press_end, t1.obs_datetime, t2.obs_datetime AS obs_datetime_end, St_makeline(t1.geom, t2.geom) AS geom FROM storm_obs t1 join(SELECT storm_obs.id, storm_obs.storm_num, storm_obs.storm_name, storm_obs.wind, storm_obs.press, storm_obs.obs_datetime, storm_obs.geom FROM storm_obs) t2 ON(t1.obs_datetime + '06:00:00'::interval) = t2.obs_datetime AND t1.storm_name::text = t2.storm_name::text WHERE Date_part('year'::text, t1.obs_datetime) BETWEEN %min_obs_year% AND %max_obs_year% ORDER BY Date_part('year'::text, t1.obs_datetime), t1.storm_num, t1.obs_datetime • Building lines of the fly from point data: FOSS4G 2019, August 26th/30th, Bucharest