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RabbitMQ Talk by Trong Dao Le

January 08, 2015

RabbitMQ Talk by Trong Dao Le

Presented at Singapore Spring User Group on January 8th


January 08, 2015

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  1. Why would you use a Message System? ¤  Loose Coupling

    ¤  Automatic performance scaling ¤  Scaling through configuration changes in the exchange bindings (splitting queues in topic exchanges (later in AMQP part)) ¤  Various message patterns: ¤  Request/Reply (RPC) ¤  Fire and forget ¤  Publish/Subscribe ¤  Auto-retry behavior (timeouts and transaction)
  2. Loose coupling ¤  Sender is not responsible for issues such

    as: ¤  Is the receiver up? ¤  Could the receiver consume the message? ¤  Failure of delivery ¤  Instead of thinking about interface of function calls, think about the data and the flow of data ¤  Handling failure of response gracefully (timeouts) which doesn’t overload a system
  3. Automatic performance scaling ¤  Deploy more servers listening to the

    same set of queues to handle more requests ¤  Multiple requesters won’t bring down your server (they have to bring down your broker, which is unlikely) ¤  No configuration files on the requesters side (Zookeeper can solve this, but it’s another system to maintain)
  4. Our use case ¤  Accept a template and send text

    message to all the numbers with best effort ¤  Original approach: ¤  Insert into DB ¤  Cron job to read from DB and send message ¤  All using JTA!! (dreadful, but required as the accounts and the messages are on different DBs) ¤  Doesn’t scale well (max 500 messages, JTA timeout at 60s)
  5. New simplified approach Catchs: 1/ DB contention as multiple requests

    to deduct the same account come at the same time. 2/ Multiple similar DB insertions are not batched. Solved with scheduled tasks by Dead-letter exchanges
  6. Advantages of the new approach ¤  Distribute the work load

    of workers evenly ¤  Automatic retry if the transaction fail (by requeuing the message) ¤  Send message concurrently and faster
  7. Migration from ActiveMQ to RabbitMQ ¤  Our chat system was

    using ActiveMQ (JMS) with scheduled delay to check if a message was delivered ¤  The scheduled delay was a fixed amount ¤  Migration to ActiveMQ is easy with dead-letter exchanges ¤  Using Spring, both ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ listeners are POJOs (specify the handling method in the configuration) ¤  Mostly configuration changes for listeners and type changes for senders.
  8. AMQP vs JMS AMQP JMS 4 (5) models: direct, fanout,

    topic, header, (system) 2 models: 1-to-1 and pub/sub Binary data 5 different data types Clients send to exchanges, exchanges forward to queues Clients send directly to queues or topics Language agnostic Only support JVM languages Define a wire-level protocol standard Define a set of APIs
  9. AMQP Ex Ex P P P C C C Producers

    Consumers Channels Channels Exchanges Queues Bindings
  10. Topic Exchange Ex D.E.A N.S.A C.I.A key="#.A" key=“#.I.#" F.B.I key="#"

    C.I.A N.S.A D.E.A F.B.I C.I.A D.E.A N.S.A C.I.A F.B.I
  11. Other use cases ¤  Schedule task using dead-letter exchanges ¤ 

    Distributed logging using topic exchanges ¤  Intermittent failure resistant workers (unsubscribe and message reject) ¤  Complicated event triggering (award the 1 million transaction)
  12. Why use Spring-AMQP? ¤  The RabbitMQ Java Client has some

    drawbacks (just like JDBC) ¤  No channel pooling ¤  No retry ¤  Ugly listener code using while-loop ¤  Boiler plate codes
  13. RabbitMQ extension features ¤  Publisher confirms ¤  Consumer priorities ¤ 

    Fast reply-to for RPC ¤  Exchange to exchange bindings ¤  Per-queue message TTL, per- message TTL ¤  Queue TTL ¤  Dead-letter exchanges ¤  Length limit
  14. HA: RabbitMQ vs ActiveMQ RabbitMQ ActiveMQ Master + Slaves Master

    + Slaves Dynamic clustering: Nodes can join/leave None that I know of Full replication (mirrored queues) or full visibility (clustering) Networks of brokers
  15. Q/A

  16. Looking for… ¤  Website Operations Engineer ¤  Data Operations Engineer

    Ops works + Develop tools to manage the data we have. Scala + Java developers, who has a knack for Ops.