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Why Use Smart Price Tags for Consumer Electronics?

Why Use Smart Price Tags for Consumer Electronics?

The utilization of intelligent price tags, such as the Newton digital labels, holds significant potential in improving retail operations within consumer electronic stores. These smart price tags serve as a modernized version of conventional paper tags, offering a range of benefits such as automated price updates and improved clarity in presenting information. An eminent illustration of these intelligent tags is the Newton digital labels, developed by SOLUM.


July 05, 2023

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Smart price tags, such as the Newton digital labels from

    SOLUM, offer numerous benefits for consumer electronic retail stores. These digital equivalents of traditional paper price tags provide automated price updates, clearer information displays, and more. Testimonials from retailers who have used smart price tags highlight the advantages they offer.
  2. Firstly, smart price tags enhance customer experience. Retailers like AliExpress

    and MyTech Retail Distribution have reported positive customer reactions to electronic tags. Miguel Ángel Pérez, Area Manager of MyTech Retail, emphasized the comfort and convenience for customers in reading information such as prices and descriptions. AliExpress deployed SOLUM digital labels in their Barcelona outlet, improving the clarity of product information and enhancing the overall shopping experience.
  3. Secondly, smart price tags simplify retail operations. Kotsovolos, Greece's leading

    electrical and electronics retailer, adopted smart tags in 2020. Panos Marras, Commercial Manager for Kotsovolos - Dixons South Europe, noted that the automation of price updates eliminated the time-consuming process of manually changing paper tags. This simplification significantly improved the efficiency of store managers and staff.
  4. Thirdly, smart price tags can help expand businesses. Xiaomi retail

    store in Spain partnered with Balmore Atlantic and installed Newton labels in 2021. This allowed Xiaomi to centralize its product data and link in-store products with their online database. Omar Lamarca, Head of Marketing for Balmore Atlantic, explained how labels were managed centrally using the Aims Cloud solution, enabling efficient product synchronization and management.
  5. These examples demonstrate why retail stores specializing in consumer electronics,

    like AliExpress, Kotsovolos, and Xiaomi, should consider using smart price tags. By enhancing customer experience, simplifying retail operations, and supporting business expansion, these digital labels offer significant advantages. For further information, interested parties can contact SOLUM, which provides the Newton digital labels and subscription plans such as Aims Cloud for label management software.