4 phases Bridging the gap between machines and humans Understand domain, create abstractions Synthesise ⟷ Generate ⟷ Transcribe Reflect on melody insights
Common in a lot of cultures: celtic, chinese, african, english, indian, etc 7 note scales, 12 semitones Latin, Chinese, Indian cultures have similar solfege Emotive melodies Lullabies, sing-alongs, march songs, festival songs, hymns Universality Natural phenomena observed around the world
scales, 12 semitones Emotive melodies Tonic | आधार षज - Resolves tension from musical movement. - Everyone knows when a piece of music returns to the tonic.
chinese, african, english, indian, etc hps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentatonic_scale#Pervasiveness Popular Bobby McFerrin demonstration of the power of the pentatonic scale hps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ne6tB2KiZuk Universality Natural phenomenons Prominent tonic Pervasive pentatonic scales 7 note scales, 12 semitones Emotive melodies
scales, 12 semitones Emotive melodies Emotive melodies | रस Happy sing-alongs, lullabies, march songs, harvest songs, festival songs, hymns, funeral songs sound similar across cultures.
| Popular - Intent is artistic - Music itself is the sole focus Carnatic Music South Indian Classical Music Classical, art music Ancient, traditional music Melodic music Extempore, and compositions
at 500BC – लण (Lakshana Grantha): Rich tradition of Sanskrit grammar texts – Oral tradition, trained by exposure Carnatic Music South Indian Classical Music Classical, art music Ancient, traditional music Melodic music Extempore, and compositions
on notes in succession - Explores melody through ragas and gamakas Carnatic Music South Indian Classical Music Classical, art music Ancient, traditional music Melodic music Extempore, and compositions
century old compositions - Improvisations are generally around compositions Carnatic Music South Indian Classical Music Classical, art music Ancient, traditional music Melodic music Extempore, and compositions
/ Note Raga / Melodic Framework Demo Adhara Shadja आधार षज | Tonic, pitch - Choice of the artist based on voice - Does not change for every song - Swaras are relative to this
sung, and used as notation - Elements of a raga Swara र | Note Fundamentals आधार षज, र, राग Adhara Shadja / Tonic Swara / Note Raga / Melodic Framework Demo
specialities - Grammar that a composition adheres to - Evokes a certain set of emotions Fundamentals आधार षज, र, राग Adhara Shadja / Tonic Swara / Note Raga / Melodic Framework Demo
3 5 6 8 – Avarohanam: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 – They form a skeleton of the raga – Can be asymmetric, and non-linear Fundamentals आधार षज, र, राग Adhara Shadja / Tonic Swara / Note Raga / Melodic Framework Demo
own - In the context of grammar, “swara” means vowel. A consonant in Sanskrit cannot be pronounced without a vowel. Etymology Independent Resonant Swara र | Note
a phraseology / रागवाचक – Learning a raga is akin to learning a language by exposure (say a mother tongue) – A raga is absorbed Etymology Color, Emotion More than a scale Raga राग / Melodic framework
of gamaka Prescriptive vs Descriptive Prior art Synthesis Rendering PASR Gamaka गमक / Ornamentation Movement of a note from it’s pitch towards another so that the second passes like shadow over it. Sangita samayasaara, Parsvadeva, 12CE
in Carnatic music - Every swaram is a continuum What is it? Gamaka गमक / Ornamentation What is it? Kinds of gamaka Prescriptive vs Descriptive Prior art Synthesis Rendering PASR
| N S R G | ((P S,,)) , ((S , S>>> S)) -((D. S. D)) ((S , S>> S))- S R ((G<< G , ,)) - Database of phrases - < and > increase and decrease pitch - ( and ) are speed factors; deeper is faster What is it? Kinds of gamaka Prescriptive vs Descriptive Prior art Synthesis Rendering PASR Gamaka गमक / Ornamentation
as a framework for creating melodies is powerful Melographs make melodies tangible for observation Gamaka synthesis can be mathematically modelled as a curve
Ragas, lyrics Ragas Compositions, Renditions Get data, study data Get data, study data Pitch histograms MIDI histograms Tonic identification Swaram histograms Transcription Audio files to notes
to search songs and ragas, so that I can see what’s in the database. Get data, study data Pitch histograms MIDI histograms Tonic identification Swaram histograms Transcription Audio files to notes
and try to find usable insights about melody. kalyANi-MS-Subbulakshmi-nidhi_cAla_sukhamA-tyAgarAja3.mpeg.wav.pitch.frequencies Get data, study data Pitch histograms MIDI histograms Tonic identification Swaram histograms Transcription Audio files to notes
A. Murthy (2012) A knowledge based signal processing approach to tonic identification in indian classical music. Bellur, A., and H. A. Murthy (2013) Automatic tonic identification in classical music using melodic characteristics and tuning of the drone. Srihari, S. (2016) * Pick the highest one, it mostly just works. * not really, no Get data, study data Pitch histograms MIDI histograms Tonic identification Swaram histograms Transcription Audio files to notes
(fn [[swaram [b e]]] (< b r e))) first first))) One swaram probabilities One swaram probabilities Two-swaram probabilities One vs two swarams Markov chains Generation
(5th) have higher and sharper peaks Other note peaks are blunt Probabilities of all swarams in a raga are not the same Probabilities across octaves are not the same
raga rules makes it sound beer Gamakas at this level give a Carnatic texture Sometimes, the in-between is worse than either extreme Higher order Markov chains do not make it sound beer
the father - Shruti: Pitch fidelity - Laya: Temporal discipline, or Tempo Laya, Tala Temporal discipline Etymology, Meaning Avartana Matra, Akshara, Gati
(instrument) and Nria (dance). ताळ: तल थठयामत गीतम् वाम् तथानृं यथाालेततम् Sangita Ratnakara, Sarngadeva, 12 CE Laya, Tala Temporal discipline Etymology, Meaning Avartana Matra, Akshara, Gati
of beats - Derived from poetic meter, rather than dance - Hand gestures for conduction Laya, Tala Temporal discipline Etymology, Meaning Avartana Matra, Akshara, Gati
of beats in 1 cycle - simhanandana tala: 128 beats per cycle - sharaba nandana tala: 79 beats per cycle Laya, Tala Temporal discipline Etymology, Meaning Avartana Matra, Akshara, Gati
- Kriya: The gesture used to refer to an anga - Jati: The number of matras in a laghu Laya, Tala Temporal discipline Etymology, Meaning Avartanam Kriya, Anga, Jati Matra, Akshara, Gati
Akshara: division of beat (within a matra) - Gati: gait; factor dividing matra into akshara Laya, Tala Temporal discipline Etymology, Meaning Avartana Matra, Akshara, Gati
a matra / beat Embellishments / Gamakas are visible at 1/8th Transcription Based on laya and gati A clinical process Detail vs structure trade-os Varna and Alankara Removing outliers
vs structure trade-os Varna and Alankara Removing outliers Varna and Alankara - Tonal paerns at matra (beat) level is called varna - Embellishments at akshara (sub-beat) level is called alankara
swaras in raga - Low and high cutos for unnatural frequencies - Octave shis, and continuous tonics - Detecting rests Transcription Based on laya and gati A clinical process Detail vs structure trade-os Varna and Alankara Removing outliers
- Markov chains at multiple levels of granularity - So many knobs/toggles to play with Revisiting Markov chains At matra, akshara levels Embellishment chains Aavrii Generation
from frequency Humans perceive more than a beat when hearing a beat Machines understand tonal structures at 1/2 a beat Markov chains don’t work for embellishments Simplest form of repetition can be powerful