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Whats New In EcmaScript 2015 / ES6

Whats New In EcmaScript 2015 / ES6

Hans Kristian Flaatten

January 28, 2016

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  1. ECMAScript 6 Hans Kristian Flaatten 1 Bergen Linux User Group

    Torsdag 28. januar 2016 Bergen Offentlige Bibliotek
  2. ES6 Hans Kristian Flaatten 2 Bergen Linux User Group Torsdag

    28. januar 2016 Bergen Offentlige Bibliotek
  3. ECMAScript 2015 Hans Kristian Flaatten 3 Bergen Linux User Group

    Torsdag 28. januar 2016 Bergen Offentlige Bibliotek
  4. • arrows functions • classes • enhanced object literals •

    template strings • destructuring • default + rest + spread • let + const • iterators + for..of • generators • unicode • modules • module loaders • map + set + weakmap + weakset • proxies • symbols • subclassable built-ins • promises • math + number + string + array + object APIs • binary and octal literals • reflect api • tail calls 5
  5. Block Scopes 6 (function () { var food = 'Meow

    Mix'; }()); console.log(food); // Reference Error
  6. Block Scopes 7 { let food = 'Meow Mix'; }

    console.log(food); // Reference Error
  7. Arrow Functions 8 function Person(name) { this.name = name; }

    Person.prototype.prefixName = function (arr) { return arr.map(function (character) { return this.name + character; // Cannot read property 'name' of undefined }); };
  8. Arrow Functions 9 function Person(name) { this.name = name; }

    Person.prototype.prefixName = function (arr) { var that = this; // Store the context of this return arr.map(function (character) { return that.name + character; }); };
  9. Arrow Functions 10 function Person(name) { this.name = name; }

    Person.prototype.prefixName = function (arr) { return arr.map(character => this.name + character); };
  10. Arrow Functions 11 var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4,

    5]; var squares = arr.map(function (x) { return x * x });
  11. Arrow Functions 12 var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4,

    5]; var squares = arr.map(x => x * x);
  12. Template Strings 13 var name = 'Tiger'; var age =

    10; console.log('My name is ' + name + ', I am ' + age + ' years');
  13. Template Strings 14 let name = 'Tiger'; let age =

    10; console.log(`My name is ${name} and I am ${age} years.`);
  14. Destructing Arrays 18 var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];

    var a = arr[0]; var b = arr[1]; var c = arr[2]; var d = arr[3];
  15. Destructing Arrays 19 let [a, b, c, d] = [1,

    2, 3, 4]; console.log(a); // 1 console.log(b); // 2
  16. Destructing Arrays 20 var luke = { occupation: 'jedi', father:

    'anakin' }; var occupation = luke.occupation; // 'jedi' var father = luke.father; // 'anakin'
  17. Destructing Arrays 21 let luke = { occupation: 'jedi', father:

    'anakin' }; let {occupation, father} = luke; console.log(occupation); // 'jedi' console.log(father); // 'anakin'
  18. Default Function Parameters 23 function addTwoNumbers(x=0, y=0) { return x

    + y; } addTwoNumbers(2, 4); // 6 addTwoNumbers(2); // 2 addTwoNumbers(); // 0
  19. Named Function Parameters 24 function drawES5Chart(options) { options = options

    === undefined ? {} : options; var size = options.size === undefined ? 'big' : options.size; var cords = options.cords === undefined ? { x: 0, y: 0 } : options.cords; var radius = options.radius === undefined ? 25 : options.radius; console.log(size, cords, radius); // now finally do some chart drawing } drawES5Chart({ cords: { x: 18, y: 30 }, radius: 30 });
  20. Named Function Parameters 25 function drawES6Chart({ size: size = 'big',

    cords: cords = { x: 0, y: 0 }, radius: radius = 25 } = {}) { console.log(size, cords, radius); // do some chart drawing } drawES6Chart({ cords: { x: 18, y: 30 }, radius: 30 }); // 'big' {x: 18, y: 30} 30
  21. Generators 26 function* fibonacci(){ let val1 = 0, val2 =

    1, swap; yield val1; yield val2; while (true){ swap = val1 + val2; val1 = val2; val2 = swap; yield swap; } }
  22. Generators 27 var sequence = fibonacci(); sequence.next().value // 0 sequence.next().value

    // 1 sequence.next().value // 1 sequence.next().value // 2 sequence.next().value // 3 sequence.next().value // 5 sequence.next().value // 8
  23. Browser Support 28 Browser ECMAScript 6 Support Google Chrome 91

    % Edge 83 % FireFox 85 % Safari 54 % Kilde: https://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/
  24. Node.js ES6 Support 29 0 25 50 75 100 v0.10

    (3.14) v0.12 (v8 3.28) v4 (v8 4.5) v5 (v8 4.6) v6 (v8 5.0)
  25. 30