Title: My FLOSS project contributions and promotions experience in South Korea
Subtitle: It's hard to promote a FLOSS project that you can't find a reason to use
Date: 2024-11-02(Saturday, 토요일) PM02:15-PM02:35
Currently, I'm a full-time worker(Developer) in South Korea.
In this talk, I explain my personal contribution and promote FLOSS projects experience(such as LibreOffice, openSUSE).
I also explain my CJK contribution experience on GNOME, KDE, and LibreOffice (such as KDE kcharselect, GNOME gucharmap, GNOME characters, LibreOffice, etc.)
I am interested in the Ideographs(漢字/汉字, Chinese Characters, Mandarin Chinese: hànzì, Japanese: かんじ kanji, Korean: 한자 hanja) representation on the computer. I added some CJK ideographs pronunciations based on the contents of the Unihan database in GNOME gucharmap. Also, I found LibreOffice’s CJK numeric expressions bugs. Calc numeric expressions in Korea, China, and Japan are sometimes similar and different. I contribute LibreOffice CJK numeric expressions bug. Since attending COSCUP in 2017, I have been contributing to LibreOffice. I'll be talking about LibreOffice's promotion challenges and failures in South Korea from 2018 to the present. Finally, I’ll talk about my future plans for FLOSS project activities in South Korea.