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FOSS4G 2017 Hokkaido コアデイ #foss4gj


July 01, 2017

More Decks by SUGIMOTO Tatsuo

Other Decks in Design


  1. bibliomaps Tatsuo Sugimoto @sugi2000 Researcher, Teacher on Information Design Saga

    University, Japan ਿຊୡጯ ࠤլେֶܳज़஍ҬσβΠϯֶ෦ ৘ใσβΠϯ
  2. bibliomaps What is bibliomaps? A web based project which visualizes

    the connections between a city location and related expressions for providing the specific image of the city. CJCMJPNBQTͱ͸ ౎ࢢಛ༗ͷΠϝʔδΛ͔ͭΉͨΊʹɺ౎ࢢͷҐஔ৘ใͱɺ ͦͷ౎ࢢʹ·ͭΘΔςΩετදݱΛϏδϡΞϥΠζͨ͠ ؑ৆ܕ8FCΞϓϦ
  3. bibliomaps Want to feel the image of the city ౎ࢢͷΠϝʔδΛײ͍ͨ͡

    Kobe Travel Food Culture Color Street Fashion People History
  4. bibliomaps What is the image of the city? climate, landscape,

    street, landmark, sound, event, industry, language, population, characteristics, … ౎ࢢͷΠϝʔδͱ͸ʁ ؾީɺ෩ܠɺϥϯυϚʔΫɺ֗ฒΈɺ఻౷ɺ໊ॴɺچ੻ɺ ঎඼ɺ໊࢈ɺ࢈ۀɺग़਎ऀɺΠϕϯτɺ·ͭΓɺ ͜ͱ͹ʢํݴʣɺԻָɺϑΝογϣϯɺ ਓޱɺࡂ֐ɺ࣏҆ɺݝຽੑʜ
  5. bibliomaps Kobe Travel Food Culture Color Street Fashion People History

    Representations of the city Music, Literature, Film… - Reflect the image of the city - Amplify the image ౎ࢢͷද৅ Իָɺจܳɺөըʜ ɾ౎ࢢΠϝʔδͷ൓ө ɾ౎ࢢΠϝʔδͷར༻ʢ૿෯ʣ Creative Works Image of the City
  6. bibliomaps Text expression Source: Stories and essays about Kobe written

    by well-known writers ςΩετදݱ ιʔεɿ ஶ໊ͳ࡞ՈʹΑΔখઆ΍ΤοηΠ
  7. bibliomaps Kobe, a literary city Many writers are closely related

    to Kobe and write stories set in Kobe. খઘീӢϞϥΤεਖ਼Ԭࢠنߐݟਫӂ ඌ࡚์࠸୩࡚५Ұ࿠ լ઒๛඙෋ాࡅ Ֆ ౔ాߞฏߴ඿ڏࢠࡔޱอ ेҰ୩ ٛࡾ࿠ ࠓ౦ޫ ޒेཛྷ೻ਫ ࡕຊউ Ӭాߞҥ੢౦ࡾَҴ֞଍ึҥרলࡾ ԣߔਖ਼࢙ࢁຊपޒ࿠ ஛தҮ ࡾᑍ౦ ༸थٴ઒ӳ༤ന઒ѳ ௡ଜ৴෉େԬঢ ฏ ෢ా๕Ұాٶދ඙௣໊ྣࡾখྛ෢ ༤ ଍ཱרҰ෋࢜ਖ਼੖໺ؒ޺ ௚Ҫܿ ౡඌහ༤খౡًਖ਼ޒຯ߁༞ԕ౻प࡞ ੺ඌדࢠࡾࢬ࿨ࢠٱࡔ༿ࢠ ਆށΏ͔Γͷจֶऀ ਆށΛඳ͍ͨจֶऀ ϐΤʔϧɾϩν ৿Ԫ֎ ޾ా࿐൐ ಙాळ੠௕௩અ ࢤլ௚࠸ԮݪҪઘ ਫ ඌ࡚์࠸༝ى͛͠ࢠ ٢઒ӳ࣏ ࢰࢠจ࿡٠஍༓๕ౡ࡚౻ଜதՏڵҰ େဠ࣍࿠ԣޫརҰਆ੢ਗ਼ ྛෙඒࢠ ງୢ༤ ੴ઒ୡࡾҪ্༃ ٠ాҰ෉ দຊਗ਼ு৽ా࣍࿠Ұ৭࣍࿠࢘അྒྷଠ ࿠ ੜౡ࣏࿠ TPVSDF8JLJQFEJBਆށจֶؗ จֶͷ·ͪᴷᴷਆށ
  8. bibliomaps Data source ݩσʔλ “Aozora Bunko” as a corpus Extract

    name of the city from mass public text ίʔύεʢݴޠࢿྉମʣͱͯ͠ͷ੨ۭจݿ େྔͷύϒϦοΫυϝΠϯςΩετ͔Β஍໊Λநग़
  9. bibliomaps σʔλ੔ཧ Data Formatting %KT 1ZUIPO .F$BC நग़จUTW நग़จKTPO จ຺தͷ஍໊நग़KTPO

    1ZUIPO HFPDPEFS จ຺தͷ஍໊ͷҐஔ৘ใKTPO ࡞඼*%ผʹ ·ͱΊΔ
  10. bibliomaps Challenges Difficulties on extract the name of places need

    to collaborate with local historians ՝୊ ஍໊ʢݻ༗໊ࢺʣͷநग़ͷ೉͠͞ ஍Ҭ࢙ՈͳͲͷڠྗ͕ඞཁ
  11. bibliomaps Future Applications Using another kind of texts such as…

    - Tourist tweets - Tourist information - City Ordinances - Proceedings of the city assembly ൃలՄೳੑ ผͷछྨͷςΩετͷར༻ ؍ޫ٬ͷπΠʔτ ؍ޫ৘ใ ࢢ৚ྫ ࢢٞձٞࣄ࿥ͳͲ