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MarkView: A Slide Presentation Building Tool

MarkView: A Slide Presentation Building Tool

Create Slides using MarkView, exporting slides to PDF file and posting here.
MarkView address: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/markview/iaddkimmopgchbbnmfmdcophmlnghkim
The source for these slides can be seen at: view-source:http://shaneweng.com/projects/markview/tests/sample-slides.md

Shane Weng

February 16, 2014

Other Decks in How-to & DIY


  1. MarkView Advanced Features 1. Visual Markdown Editor 2. Support Footnotes1

    ↩ 3. Instant Slides Presentation 4. Document Custom Styling: Add Theme CSS and Select Add Code Style and Select Write CSS, Save and Run Theme: Coverflow ^ ^
  2. MarkView Slides Instant Presentation through Markview 1. Turn your markdown

    file to slides. 2. Seperate each slide by "---" 3. Drag and drop a Markdown document 4. Stylish with 6 themes.
  3. Code Syntax Highlight This is cool What are you doing

    def test puts "hi, Test 1 This is what I am" + "looking for! Test 1 This" + "is what I am looking for!"; end Slide seperator also accept this <hr> and <hr/>
  4. Stylish presentation with themes coverflow classic cube carousel concave blackwhite

    Cool Stuff, Just Try Instant Presentation Slides Display