Put together a "real" Service Oriented Architecture using the Open Source WSO2 Carbon ecosystem. The pieces of SOA, simplified, and separating the functionals and non-functionals and filling the gaps with WSO2 Open Technology.
R O N S W E E N E Y , C h i e f I n t e g r a - o n O ffi c e r I n t e g r a - o n R e q u i r e d M a y 4 2 0 1 2 Enterprise Service Bus Registry Governance Service Container
Governance It means we built a service in a service container with a preference in mind. 2. .NET 1. Ensemble 3. C3PO* *Commercial 3rd Party Off The Shelf 1. JBOSS 2. .NET 3. Ensemble 4. C3PO*
Governance We document and register it with the Governance registry. *Commercial 3rd Party Off The Shelf Service Container Enterprise Service Bus Jenkins CI Registry