Have you ever wanted to add methods to existing core classes? Well if you didn't before you will now. In this talk, we will be exploring the wonderful world of categories. I will be going over the basics of what categories are and how they can be used. Beginning from the benefits of adding class functionality to some development techniques of breaking up class implementations into manageable segments. So, rather than continuously relying on creating new classes or subclassing to provide additional lightweight functionality, join us and learn about Categories.
Protocols provide a way to define a set of methods that a class should implement. Understanding them and using them help make code more maintainable and easier for collaboration. The second portion of the talk will be covering protocols, when to use them, and how they can be helpful in your programs.
Jazmine is an iOS Developer who, after training in Cupertino at Apple's Cocoa Camp, went on to working for RR Donnelley in Midtown Atlanta. Graduate of Spelman College and former/secretly current robotics geek