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Poverty and relationships: introducing the gend...

Poverty and relationships: introducing the gender perspective in the parental leave system

Poverty and relationships: addressing the gender perspective
By Cristina Castellanos Serrano, Senior Researcher/ Consultant at Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.

Where should the battle against poverty start? What has the parental leave system to do with income and poverty levels?

To open the debate among the public and to disseminate main conclusions about parental leave system reached from evaluation and research projects, Cristina Castellanos Serrano, TIHR Senior Researcher/ Consultant, introduced a session on the parental leave system at the Institute’s Food for Thought lunchtime talk series.

Tavistock Institute

May 27, 2014

More Decks by Tavistock Institute

Other Decks in Research


  1. Poverty  and  rela-onships:     introducing  the  gender  perspec-ve  in

      the  parental  leave  system     The  Food  for  Thought     lunch-me  talk   Cris-na  Castellanos  Serrano   March  19th,  2014  
  2. Produc-ve  work   •  hEp://ec.europa.eu/jus-ce/gender-­‐ equality/files/gender_pay_gap/ 140227_gpg_brochure_web_en.pdf     • 

    Discrimina-on  in  the  workplace   •  Different  jobs,  different  sectors   •  Workplace  prac-ces  and  pay   systems   •  Undervaluing  of  women’s  work   and  skills   •  Few  women  in  senior  and   leadership  posi-ons     •  Gender  roles  and  tradi-ons   (educa-on  and  working  paths)   •  Balancing  work  and  family   responsibili-es  (women’s  family   responsibility)  
  3. Reproduc-ve  work   •  Care  needs:      only  children,

     elder,  and    ill  people?   •  Formal  discourse:  “women’s  family     responsibility”  and…   –   Par-al  public  sector    coverage?   – Men’s  help?   •  What  and  who  are  out  of  the  picture?   •  How  are  men  and  women  included  or   excluded  of  policies  and  discourses?  
  4. INTERSECTIONALITY     Work-­‐life  balance  policies:     how  is

     the  discourse?     •  SEX   •  CLASS   •  RACE   •  SEXUAL  ORIENTATION   •  NATIONALITY   •  MARITAL  STATUS     Is  the  reproduc-on  work  at  home?   Is  the  home  a  produc-on  space?    
  5.     person   System   (organisa-on)   Context  

    (culture,   policies)    role  dynamic   ROLE  
  6.  How  to  introduce  gender  perspec-ve?   CARER   ROLE  

    PERSON     FAMILY   POLICIES  ,   culture,  and   further   context   What  person   characteris-cs  are  the   most  relevant?    
  7.  Male  gender  roles     CARER   MALE   ROLE?

      MAN     FAMILY   POLICIES  ,   culture,  and   further   context   Sexual  division  of  labour?    
  8.    Male  gender  roles      WORKER   MALE  

    ROLE?   MAN     FAMILY   POLICIES  ,   culture,  and   further   context   L  MKT  
  9. Male  gender  roles    WORKER   MALE   ROLE?  

    MAN     FAMILY   POLICIES  ,   culture,  and   further   context   L  MKT   CARER  MALE   ROLE?   PARENTAL  LEAVE  SYSTEM:      message  for  the  family,   labour  market  and  society  
  10. Open  debate   •  What  has  the  parental  leave  system

     to  do  with   income  and  poverty  levels?   •  Do  transferability  of  parental  leave  change   fathers  and  mothers’  role  substan-ally?     •  Do  poli-cians  learn  from  research  and   evalua-on?     •  How  could  evaluators  and  researchers  reach   policy  makers?   •  Where  should  the  baEle  against  poverty  start?