has always been a creature of law, i.e. someone decrees it so. As such it is open to abuse and perversion.” 3 2007 – Reading about money - Stephen Zarlenga - 700 Pages - Now 100 € - 300 €
§ Before trying new things people want to understand them. § Bitcoin is quite hard to grasp § Look at the Transfer Adress: 19 UX Flaw No. 1 – Understanding it. Bitcoin is the Linux of money
in other currencies and trust in Bitcoins - In no one we trust § Mining Computers are beeing build and sold – Hashing Power? § The difficulty Level for mining is getting higher § People are innovating, writing software, building devices with the an incentive – Different then just open source software (number of developers) 25 The Bitcoin Believers - The Communiy of Trust
the 12,700 flops per hash rate to the leading supercomputers shows the top 10, with a combined speed of 48 petaflops, have just 5 percent the muscle of today’s bitcoin network, according to The Genesis Block. Even adding in the remaining 490 most powerful supercomputers achieves just a fraction of what the bitcoin network can do.
by malware will make holding bitcoins as easy and secure as holding paper money. They are an exciting step in the evolution of Bitcoin from an experiment for geeks to a payment system anybody can use. Lock your Bitcoins in a specialized hardware lock
soared to the top of the charts, surpassing even the US. During that period, Chinese addresses accounted for just over one quarter of all downloads of the original Bitcoin client. The US had a still- respectable 21.94 percent.