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Developing a Culture of Mentorship

Developing a Culture of Mentorship

It’s easy to spend your entire day, heads down, coding projects without thinking twice about other developers around you. We often get too absorbed with completing our immediate deadlines to spend any time considering the future of our projects, the future of our teams.

By not mentoring new developers we are failing our future. We are failing at providing new developers with the industry experience they need to be a one-day successful candidate for our teams.

Let’s talk about ways we can contribute to mentoring new developers in our teams and in our communities.

Tessa Kriesel

August 08, 2018

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    with Dogs • Shoot Archery • Passionate about teaching others @tessak22 all over the internet @TESSAK22 ABOUT ME SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  2. REACH OUT All the socials as @tessak22
 me@tessak22.com tessak22.com Please

    share pics 
 and commentary using #drupalcorn @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  3. JOB OUTLOOK In 2016, there was 162,000 total jobs In

    2026, there is expected to be 188,000 jobs 10% of developers will retire over the next 10 years @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  4. JUNIOR WEB DEVELOPER JOBS Only 22% required no experience 18%

    required one year experience 60% required 2+ years experience @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  5. “ Be the change that you wish to see in

    the world. -Mahatma Gandhi @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  6. FINDING GOOD PEOPLE IS HARD Finding good people with the

    right skills is even harder. Hire the right people and give them the right skills. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  7. PASSION IS INFECTIOUS Junior developers are full of passion and

    drive to succeed, that will naturally ignite your team. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  8. NEW IDEAS & THINKING Diverse teams are the most successful

    teams. New developers will bring new ideas and thought processes. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  9. WRITE BETTER JOB DESCRIPTIONS If you are willing to hire

    new developers, do not require experience, instead focus on personality traits, like desire to learn. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  10. CREATE STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS Partner experienced developers with new developers that

    share similar goals and coding interests. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  11. DO NOT REQUIRE INVOLVEMENT Some people do not enjoy teaching

    others. Be aware of your current teams interest before making any decisions. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  12. MANAGERS ARE NOT MENTORS Mentees need to have an open

    relationship with someone they can confide in and relate to. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  13. OPEN LINES OF COMMUNICATION Ensure there are methods in which

    they can openly communicate with you and their mentor. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  14. TRACK PROGRESS & MAKE GOALS Make a habit of having

    regular check-ins. Do not just create partnerships and expect them to succeed. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  15. BUILD A PROGRAM Your newly mentored developers will be excited

    to share the knowledge and skills they learned. Turn them into mentors. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  16. GROW YOUR NETWORK You will meet a variety of other

    developers and companies as you start to search for new developers to mentor. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  17. IT FEELS GOOD I call this “Selfish Acts of Selflessness.”

    Doing good things makes you feel good. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN

    will likely begin to attend more local tech events and meet some great people. There might even be beer. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  19. MASTER YOUR OWN SKILLS Teaching means you need to know

    your stuff. Mentoring will help you dig into things you may already know a little deeper. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN

    their goals or lands their first job, their success will feel like your own, and it feels good. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  21. NEW LIFELONG FRIENDSHIP Your mentee will always appreciate everything you

    have done for them. You just made yourself a new friend. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  22. COLLEGES OR SCHOOLS Universities, Technical College, High Schools or other

    private or public schools. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  23. CODE SCHOOLS OR BOOTCAMPS This is often the best place

    to find them. Our local code school has a mentorship program to get involved with. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  24. LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS OR GROUPS Check meetup.com for local meetups and

    tech groups. 
 Consider Girl Develop It, YesWeCode & Women Who Code @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  25. HACKATHONS Volunteer or put together a team for a local

    hackathon. You are definitely bound to be teamed up with or meet developers there. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  26. GUIDE THEIR CAREER PATH Talk them through their career path

    and goals for future jobs. Provide information so they can make educated decisions. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  27. BE AVAILABLE Be available to them when they need you.

    Schedule regular in- person meetings or online coding sessions. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  28. SHARE RESOURCES WITH THEM You don’t know what you don’t

    know – they may overlook something because they don’t know they should learn it. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  29. WORKING CODING EXAMPLES Many people need to do in order

    to learn. Give them working coding examples, ideally heavily commented. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  30. LIVE CODING SESSIONS Working on a project will help them

    think through why one method vs the other, as well as allow them to contribute and feel like a developer. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  31. CODE REVIEWS Never tell them they did something wrong –

    instead ask them their thought process and encourage them to think of other solutions. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  32. LEAD A STUDY GROUP You can help more people at

    one time and the junior developers will have peers they can relate to. Power in numbers. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  33. SET EXPECTATIONS Before you kick start your relationship, set expectations

    with your mentor about what you are hoping to achieve. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  34. RESPECTFUL OF THEIR TIME Ask your mentor their availability and

    what days and times work best for them. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  35. COME PREPARED WITH AN AGENDA Use your time wisely and

    come prepared with questions, topics to review and follow up from previous meetings. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  36. MENTORS ARE VOLUNTEERS Always remember that your mentor is a

    volunteer, unless it is required by your employer. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  37. OWN YOUR LEARNING Your mentor can provide you with great

    information, but you must be the one to actually use it. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  38. EXPRESS YOUR APPRECIATION Everyone likes to feel appreciated. This is

    especially important in a mentee & mentor relationship. @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN
  39. FOLLOW UP Reach out if you or your company needs

    help getting started with mentorship. @tessak22 // me@tessak22.com @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #DRUPALCORN