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Net Promoter Score: Gauge the Status of Your Pr...

Tessa Kriesel
February 08, 2020

Net Promoter Score: Gauge the Status of Your Product

Net Promoter Score is a one-question survey asking how likely someone is to recommend your product to their friends or colleagues. Based on those results, there are a number of things you can do with that data. You may need to triage unsatisfied customers, engage with passive customers and leverage your promoters for marketing efforts.

What You Will Learn:

- How to implement Net Promoter Scores in WordPress
- What scores mean & how to evaluate them
- Next steps for how to work with your customers
- Ways to leverage your happiest customers

Tessa Kriesel

February 08, 2020

More Decks by Tessa Kriesel

Other Decks in Business


  1. ABOUT ME • Love Obsessed with Dogs • Shoot Archery

    • Passionate about teaching others TESSA KRIESEL HEAD OF DEVELOPER COMMUNITY Twitter 
  2. ONE QUESTION On a scale of 0 to 10, how

    likely are you to recommend this company’s product or service to a friend or a colleague? @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #WCPHX
  3. YOUR SCORE The score is a whole number that ranges

    from -100 to 100, and indicates customer happiness with your brand experience. Most companies have scores around 31 to 50, but that can vary by industry. View Industry Benchmarks
  4. DETRACTOR @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #WCPHX This typically represents unhappy customers who

    did not have a positive experience and are unlikely to buy from you again or recommend you in the future.
  5. PASSIVE @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #WCPHX They generally had a good customer

    experience, but are not positive advocates of your business.
  6. PROMOTER @TESSAK22 SLIDO.COM #WCPHX These are the most loyal customers

    and are key to good word-of-mouth and advocacy.
  7. ABOUT ME • Love Obsessed with Dogs • Shoot Archery

    • Passionate about teaching others TESSA KRIESEL HEAD OF DEVELOPER COMMUNITY Twitter