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The Art of Mobile DevOps : Android

Roger Taracha
September 22, 2018

The Art of Mobile DevOps : Android

A breakdown of how to implement DevOps in your Android Software Development Lifecycle.

Roger Taracha

September 22, 2018

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  1. The Art of Mobile DevOps : Android Improving your team’s

    Android Build Performance & Productivity. @thedancercodes ~ Roger Taracha ~
  2. About Me • Software Engineer. • Python, JS, Android •

    Dance Choreographer. • Traveling. • Community Development. • DIY Hobbyist. • Learning Facilitator/ Technical Team Lead - Andela
  3. What is DevOps? DevOps is derived from two words: development

    and operations. As the word suggests, it is a set of practices in a process while developing software and managing operations tasks. DevOps is not just a set of practices, but also a way of working in the software development industry; it’s a cultural change in the way development and operations work together. https://devops.com/metrics-devops/
  4. Why DevOps? • Devops enables quick solutions in the case

    of a technical glitch. • Contributes to team health, individual satisfaction. • Time efficiency & Management. • Devops gives us the facility & flexibility to invent & focus on actual business needs instead of taking hours/ weeks/ months of operational tasks. • To deploy often, you can’t break what’s already there, you have to complement it.
  5. Focus Areas It is impossible to speak about DevOps without

    mentioning the following areas: • Continuous Integration. • Continuous Delivery/Deployment.
  6. What is CI? • Continuous Integration is a development practice

    that requires developers to integrate code into a shared repository several times a day. • Each checkin is then verified by an automated build, allowing teams to detect problems early.
  7. Why CI? • Deliver faster & higher quality. • Your

    product is always ready to deploy. • Capture institutional knowledge in tests. • Automation hugely improves productivity. • Multiply your impact
  8. Delivery vs Deployment • Continuous Delivery => Software can be

    deployed to customers at any time with the "push of a button" (i.e. by running a deployment script). • Continuous Deployment => Software is automatically deployed to customers once it passes through the continuous integration system.
  9. Case Study Converge Android - An Internal Product We needed

    a way to ensure that we can deploy the product quickly and have a working product at any point in our development lifecycle.
  10. Team Structure & Tools • Current Team Structure: ◦ Backend

    ◦ Frontend ◦ Mobile ◦ DevOps • Getting the team balance at the beginning was a bit of a challenge. • Lots of communication and stakeholder management was needed to make things work. Tools: • Github Enterprise • Code Climate • Circle CI • Static code analysis tools ◦ PMD, Checkstyle, Findbugs, Android Lint • Gradle - Build Scans • Flank - a massively parallel Android and iOS test runner for Firebase Test Lab. • Fastlane
  11. Code Climate An open, extensible platform for automated code review

    for test coverage, complexity, duplication, security, style, and more.
  12. Static Analysis Tools • Improving Code Quality & Syntax of

    your Android Code • Poor code quality and technical debt inevitably lead to developer productivity losses, missed deadlines, and a higher bug rate. • Complements code reviews through peers. • Static code analysis tools help you enforce coding standards and uncover bad coding practices and potential bugs. • Gradle offers a wide range of standard plugins for you to pick and choose from. • NOTE: We use pre-commit hooks with these tools.
  13. Gradle • Gradle, an advanced build toolkit, to automate and

    manage the build process, while allowing you to define flexible custom build configurations. • Gradle and the Android plugin run independent of Android Studio. This means that you can build your Android apps from within Android Studio, the command line on your machine, or on machines where Android Studio is not installed (such as continuous integration servers). • NOTE: The output of the build is the same whether you are building a project from the command line, on a remote machine, or using Android Studio.
  14. Delivery vs Deployment • Continuous Delivery => Software can be

    deployed to customers at any time with the "push of a button" (i.e. by running a deployment script). • Continuous Deployment => Software is automatically deployed to customers once it passes through the continuous integration system.
  15. NOTE: We use Staging to push to Alpha/ Beta Channel

    and Master to push to Production. Might not be ideal but works for us. :)
  16. Tips to Reduce your Build Times... • General Optimizations: ◦

    Using up-to-date library versions • Build Scans: ◦ A persistent record of what happened in a build. ◦ A great debugging and collaboration tool. • Modularization: ◦ Process of taking a big single module app and splitting it into multiple modules.
  17. General Optimizations Before getting into the specifics, let’s make sure

    you have the basics down: • Latest Gradle version • Latest AGP version • Latest Kotlin version • Don’t disable the Gradle Daemon • Make sure org.gradle.caching =true in your gradle.properties file • If possible, enable org.gradle.parallel too, especially if you have multiple modules.
  18. Gradle: Build Scans • A build scan is a shareable

    and centralized record of a build that provides insights into what happened and why. • In your terminal, run this command: $ ./gradlew build --scan
  19. Modularization • Process of taking a big single module app

    and splitting it into multiple modules. • Extracting rarely-changed code reduces build time. • Decoupled code => Faster incremental compilation • Intermodule dependencies increase build time. ◦ If you have spaghetti code, where everyone is referencing everyone, incremental compilation can’t help that much.
  20. “There is no silver bullet when it comes to optimizing

    your build performance, you have to do the work & find what works for you.” Boris Fraber (Google)
  21. Reference Material: • Gradle Performance Guide: ◦ https://guides.gradle.org/performance/ • Android

    Performance Guide: ◦ https://developer.android.com/studio/build/optimize-your-build • Plugin Development Guide: ◦ https://guides.gradle.org/implementing-gradle-plugins/ • Structuring build logic guide: ◦ https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/organizing_gradle_projects.html • DIY Gradle build optimization ◦ https://proandroiddev.com/gradle-perf-9c11b640f329
  22. “The result of an optimized & reliable BUILD PERFORMANCE is

    FASTER feedback cycles and IMPROVED efficiency of your team.”