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Community Engagement

The Spark Mill
September 06, 2018

Community Engagement

The Spark Mill

September 06, 2018


  1. What is Community Engagement? Community engagement is the process of

    working collaboratively with a community to address issues that impact the well-being of those groups.

    TRUST • Seek Input • Record Input • Engage Groups • Seek Feedback • Make Changes
  3. What is the Theory of Change • Normalize – get

    people on the same page • Organize – build staff and organizational capacity, skills, competency • Operationalize – Implement new tools for decision making, measurement, and accountability Toolkits and Action Plans
  4. History of Community Engagement • Roots of engagement in Urban

    Planning • Spills over into program development led by Foundations
  5. Spectrum Details • Inform: “We will keep you informed.” •

    Consult: “We will keep you informed, listen to and acknowledge your concerns, aspirations, and provide feedback on how public input influenced the decision. We will seek your feedback on drafts and proposals.” • Involve: “We will work to ensure that your concerns and aspirations are directly reflected in the alternatives developed and provide feedback on how the public input influenced the decision.” • Collaborate: “We will work together with you to formulate solutions and incorporate your advice and recommendations into the decisions to the maximum extent possible.” • Empower: “We will implement what you decide.”
  6. Racial Equity in Community Engagement Moving from Doing For to

    Doing With https://www.aecf.org/resources/race-equity-and- inclusion-action-guide/
  7. Equity Lens: Discovery 1. Who is most adversely affected by

    the issue being addressed? 2. Who faces racial barriers or bias, or exclusion from power, related to this issue? 3. How are people of different racial groups differently situated or affected by this issue? 4. Ideally, what would the racial composition of the leadership look like?
  8. Equity Lens: Planning 1. In what ways are stakeholders most

    affected by the issue already involved in addressing it? How can these efforts be supported and expanded? 2. What are ways stakeholders adversely affected by the issue can be further engaged? 3. How can diverse communities and leaders be engaged from the outset so they have a real opportunity to shape the solutions and strategies? 4. How will stakeholders exercise real leadership and power? 5. Who can be allies and supporters and how can they be engaged?
  9. Equity Lens: Invitations 1. Who needs to be recruited or

    invited to join the effort to address this issue? 2. Who will approach them? 3. How? 4. When? 5. What will they be asked to do to get involved?
  10. Do now • Form a Team • Audit your engagement

    strategies • Create a plan to incorporate more voices
  11. BrightspotsReport • use use of open data • Participatory budgeting

    with public funds • Community-based funding initiatives • City-wide visioning and strategic planning • Civic engagement in growth and redevelopment • Building community connections • Equipping residents to participate • https://www.nlc.org/sites/default/files/BrightSpots- FINAL_4-26.pdf
  12. Methods vs Techniques of Engagement Methods Techniques Qualitative – Focus

    Groups Body Mapping Qualitative – Charrette Community Mapping Qualitative – Interviews Collage, Art, Music Quantitative - Survey Access, Racial Equity, Composition, Language Quantitative – Statistical Analysis Acknowledgment of Historical Issues Body mapping: http://www.migrationhealth.ca/sites/default/files/Body- map_storytelling_as_reseach_LQ.pdf
  13. Assets • Skills and abilities within a community • Community

    organizations • Connected institutions • Physical environment • Local economy – informal and formal • Stories, culture, and heritage of the community
  14. Barriers Brainstorm Thinking back to the empathy mapping: 1. What

    makes it hard for me to participate? List 3-5 barriers for each audience. 2. What can the organization do to overcome this barrier? List 1-2 solutions for each barrier.
  15. Challenges: Outreach and Collaboration Goal: Strengthen engagement through collaboration •

    Some difficult to reach • Lack of grassroots support • Time intensive • Diversity
  16. Challenges: Community Led Efforts Goal: Community Members set the vision

    • Lack of funding for community engagement • Time and staffing demands • Lack of training on engagement, cultural sensitivity, and dispelling stereotypes
  17. Challenges: Capacity Building Goal: Empower people to continue on their

    own • Community members lack skills and resources to lead efforts • The impact of trauma and a lack of personal and community resiliency can be barriers for residents to get involved and lead
  18. Challenges: Process Goal: Implement a process-based strategy • Emergence of

    factions within groups • Tensions: Intergenerational, social, racial and • Cultural • Finding common language or getting the language right
  19. Challenges: Equity Goal: Process steeped in equity • Developing agendas

    without acknowledging the role of race, including racial history and politics • Importance of reflection by outside organizations on the significance of racial and class makeup of the organization and why it matters
  20. ABCD • It focuses on community assets and strengths rather

    than problems and needs • It identifies and mobilises individual and community assets, skills and passions • It is community driven – ‘building communities from the inside out’ (Kretzmann&McKnight, 1993) • It is relationship driven.
  21. Strengths Based • What are the needs of your community?

    • What needs to change in your community? • What are the barriers to creating change? Or we can ask: • What are the strengths and assets of our community? • When was a time you felt our community was at its best? • What do you value most about our community? • What is the essence of our community that makes it unique and strong?
  22. The Active Community Engagement Continuum The ACE Continuum is based

    on five characteristics of empowerment adapted from the World Bank (Naryan, 2002), with input from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These are: • Inclusion of communities in preprogram assessment • Access of communities to information • Inclusion of communities in decision making • Development of local organizational capacity to make demands on institutions and governing structures • Accountability of institutions to the public. http://www.acquireproject.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ACQUIRE/Publications/ACE- Working-Paper-final.pdf
  23. Best Practices for Responsible Community Engagement • Embrace Asset-based Perspective

    • Focus Reciprocal Partnerships • Value Diversity and Social Justice • Practice Humility • Engage in Education and Reflection https://students.case.edu/community/resources/bestpractices/
  24. Embrace an Asset-based Perspective • Recognize the wealth of resources,

    wisdom, and resilience that exists within communities. • Focus on enhancing opportunities and resources in partnership with community members and organizations, rather than on "fixing" perceived issues or problems within communities.
  25. Foster Reciprocal Partnerships • Foster mutually beneficial partnerships that genuinely

    support the work of community partners and neighbors • Collaborate with community partners to develop, evaluate, and revise programs to ensure that programs are beneficial to their work and to the community. • Recognize the value of sustained community involvement in promoting understanding, fostering mutually beneficial relationships, and creating lasting impact.
  26. Value Diversity and Social Justice • Explore your own identity

    and how it shapes your experience in community. Seek to continuously identify and challenge assumptions, biases, judgments, and stereotypes about individuals and communities. • Value and respect people of diverse identities and backgrounds, and work to create equitable environments. • Recognize and identity ways to address root causes of social injustice through a variety of forms of civic engagement.
  27. Practice Humility • Approach community engagement activities with an open

    mind and a listening and learning attitude. • Critically examine how issues of power and privilege impact attitudes towards community and community engagement activities.
  28. Engage in Education and Reflection • Provide intentional opportunities for

    learning about partner organizations, community issues, and context before, during, and after community engagement activities. • Process community engagement experiences through dialogue to deepen self-awareness and understanding of community and to inform future actions.
  29. Scan, Literature, and Cases Richmond Memorial Health Foundation sponsored a

    community engagement inventory and model documentation project https://www.rmhfoundation.or g/copy-of-mva-mapping-tool
  30. EmBraceRichmond Embrace Richmond’s capacity building strategy includes these four processes:

    • Discovering the gifts and passion of residents • Growing leadership capacity through one-on-one coaching of emerging leaders • Building action teams by training residents in group facilitation skills • Partnering resident leaders with institutions who can support their teams goals • MEASUREMENT: Participant, Engaged, Owner
  31. RePHRAME RePHRAME uses the following practices to engage stakeholders: •

    Engage stakeholders and residents on a continuum and in a reciprocal manner • Find new members and residents to participate • Avoid strict protocols in membership structures and roles • Promote autonomy among residents by providing support and coaching for advocacy • GRASSROOTS
  32. Richmond Promise Neighborhood Richmond Promise Neighborhood takes a two- generation

    approach to reducing poverty and offering a community of support to increase community resiliency. RPN aspires to do this through authentic resident engagement, research, planning and accountability. • Promise Family Network • Community Action Network • MODEL: Assest Based Community Development
  33. Case Study There is a local advocacy organization that wants

    information about the impacts of a mixed-use development project in a city with a significant number of low-income residents. They have asked you to design a feedback tool to collect opinions to inform their decisions. Who are the people that need to be part of your planning conversations on this task? What kinds of tools should you consider? Who are the key stakeholders that you want to engage and your plan to reach them?
  34. • Questions to ask yourself when sharing stories • Here

    are some guidelines and things to consider when writing or sharing the stories of the people we serve. • Think about how your own story (identity) or parts of your story show up in the story you are trying to share. What are the stories and identities you embrace and own? What are the stories and identities that are placed on you? What are those shared stories and experiences? https://rainiervalleycorps.org/2018/04/tell-compelling- stories-avoiding-savior-complex-exploitation/
  35. • Is this the story that you, as the facilitator

    of the story, should be telling or can someone else? Are you connected to, part of, or a member of this individual’s community? This, especially, is a critical question for white folks telling stories of people and communities of color, able-bodied people telling the stories of people with disabilities, cisgender people speaking for and telling stories about trans folks, etc.
  36. • Assess whether the person whose story you’re trying to

    share is prepared to share their story. If yes, ask for their consent to share. If no, are they open or want to share? If there is openness then how are you providing the technical and emotional support in allowing them to tell their own story? • Is their consent informed? Do they know how and where the story will be used? What content it includes? Do they agree with the way you’re sharing how your services have impacted them? Are they able to approve changes and edits? If necessary, do you have written informed consent?
  37. • Ask yourself if you’re sharing their story with dignity,

    nuance, and with their humanity intact. Are you oversimplifying or over-sensationalizing their story? Are you prioritizing the voice of the person whose story and experience is being shared over that of the audience or the funders?
  38. • How can you tell the impact of your organization

    without exploiting the stories of the individual participants and perpetuating existing narratives about vulnerable or marginalized people and communities? • Are you fighting stereotypes and myths or contributing to it? Are you pathologizing them or have you provided sufficient socio-historical and political context?
  39. • Have you considered who this story helps by telling

    it? • By telling this story, are you showing your organization as a savior? • Do you have a process for those who have told their story to have the agency to retract consent/permission? This means if you’ve used their story, they can take back their permission and consent to no longer share or highlight their story.
  40. • Lastly, considering putting your money behind your values and

    convictions and offer to compensate people for their stories. Even if they’re receiving services from your organization. The stories you’re telling are directly connected to financial benefits for organizations. It’s only right those same funds benefit them as well.
  41. Community Mapping • Where does our key audience already exist

    and interact? • How do we plan to engage them?
  42. What organizations need to be involved? Organization How are they

    related? Why are they valuable? Potential Role