of ELS-1 Support Phase OpenJDK 6 (1.6) December 2016 N/A OpenJDK 7 (1.7) June 2020 N/A OpenJDK 8 (1.8) Nov 2026* N/A OpenJDK 11 October 2024 October 2027 OpenJDK 17 October 2027 N/A OpenJDK 21 December 2029 N/A https://access.redhat.com/articles/1299013 OpenJDK Lifecycle Dates and RHEL versions
ü 商⽤プラットフォームは、(⽶)Moderne社が提供 •Common static analysis issue remediation •Automatically fix Checkstyle violations •Migrate to Java 17 •Migrate to JUnit 5 from JUnit 4 •Migrate to Spring Boot 3 from Spring Boot 2 •Migrate to Spring Boot 2 from Spring Boot 1 •Migrate to Quarkus 2 from Quarkus 1 •Migrate to SLF4J from Log4J •Migrate to Jakarta EE 10 レシピの例 public class JUnit5Migration extends Recipe { // Standard recipes descriptions and names ... @Override public List<Recipe> getRecipeList() { return Arrays.asList( new ChangeType("org.junit.Test", "org.junit.jupiter.api.Test", false), new AssertToAssertions(), new RemovePublicTestModifiers() ); } } レシピの実装例
to check the status or c ancel multiple jobs in this case, as the error message indicates there may be an issu e with the number of active running jobs. Instead, I would suggest the following general approach: 1.Investigate the Error: The error message indicates there may be too many active ru nning jobs, which is preventing the transformation from starting. I recommend lookin g into the root cause of this issue first. 2.Check Job Status: Use the job management tools provided by your platform (e.g., A WS Batch) to check the status of your existing jobs. This will help you understand th e current state of your workload. [1] 3.Cancel Unnecessary Jobs: If there are any jobs that are no longer needed, you ca n try canceling them to free up resources. Follow the platform-specific instructions t o cancel jobs safely. 4.Optimize Job Scheduling: Review your job scheduling and submission process to e nsure you are not overloading the system. Consider implementing job queuing, priori tization, or other techniques to manage the workload more effectively. 5.Consult Platform Documentation: Refer to the documentation for your job manag ement platform (e.g., AWS Batch documentation) for guidance on managing job statu s, cancellation, and optimization. The key is to approach this methodically, investigate the root cause, and use the platf orm-provided tools and documentation to resolve the issue. Let me know if you hav e any other questions! えっっっ③ 翌⽇リトライ
ü 今回、試したソースコードでは問題がなかったものの、ビルド時間の上限(55分)、アーティファクトサイズ が1GBを超える場合はエラーとなる可能性あり。超⼤規模コードの場合は、要評価。 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ja_jp/amazonq/latest/qdeveloper-ug/troubleshooting-code-transformation.html#build-ti me-limit ü 動作に影響のないレガシーコードはそのまま。リファクタリング機能を使うと、コードの提案を⾏ってくれる。 (Refactor Code、Optimize Codeの2種類あるが、違いの考察は未済) ü プラグインは⽇々、バージョンアップが⼊っているので、改善に期待 ü ⽇本語情報や、AWS公式Webは情報が少ない。情報源はYouTubeがオススメ。AWSのエンジニ アが紹介しているケースが複数ある。 *サービススペックとして、「͜ͷׂΓͯΛ͑Δ༻ʹ͍ͭͯɺΞοϓάϨʔυ͞Εͨ -0$͝ͱʹ 64%͕՝ۚʯ͕ ໌ͷͨΊɺॳهࡌͷίʔυճऩྔͷ্ݶʹؔ͢ΔهࡌΛআʢ