% Impact 25 % Presentation 15 % Completion 15 % コンセプト ビジネスに効く、価値を生み出すような アイデアであるかどうか? We’ll evaluate your idea to see if it is disruptive or innovative while adding value to enterprise business テクノロジー、技術力 効果的、効率的にUiPath製品を使っているか? 他の技術との連携も評価 We'll evaluate your solution on how effectively and efficiently you’ve used UiPath products, and if you’ve integrated with the ecosystem of other technologies インパクト、影響度 アイデアの影響度や広く使われる可能性があるか? We want to see the overall impact of your idea. Is it far-reaching, does it have the potential of widespread use across customers プレゼンテーション 問題提起、課題とそれに対する、わかりやすい明瞭なソリューションであるか? We will check if you have a well-defined problem statement, how have you articulated your solution, and if your presentation is precise 完成度 ソリューションの完成度。ハッカソン期間中で完成できるものであるか? How complete is the solution? Have you delivered what you wanted too? You need to be realistic about what can be accomplished in the time frame.
Trigger activity provides the following 3 benefits. 1. Easy to create trigger for known-scheduled event. 2. Can add uniform and/or normal distribution random seconds to target time. • Prevents access concentration etc. • Simulate real accesses using multiple robots for system/performance test. 3. Can trigger at target time more accurate. (without Orchestrator) Works in both Attended and Unattended. Also works in background process.
as some ATOM feed. System/Performance Test using same application which user operates. Trigger with more accurate for ephemeris event etc. (such as eclipse etc.) Cases 末武 その3