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SmartSheffield #19 - Katie Steel: "Can an app f...

SmartSheffield #19 - Katie Steel: "Can an app for churches enable BIM for historic buildings?"

Katie is the founder of Cheribim, a tech startup that is revolutionising the management and maintenance of church buildings and other heritage assets, while also compiling body of training data to enable AI-assisted auditing.

For more, please visit: Cheribim

These slides were presented at SmartSheffield#19 on May 9th 2022 - please see the Event Website for videos of all the talk and to sign up to receive notification of future events.

Many thanks to our hosts: Creative Space Management and everyone at the Electric Works, as well as our regular sponsors: Arup, Pitch-In Project and Sheffield Digital.


June 22, 2022

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  1. BIM

  2. 67% 21% 8% billable hours invoiced < 50% 51-75% 76-100%

    N/A 25% 17% 38% 21% report delivery < 2 weeks 3 weeks - 1 month 1 - 2 months 2 + months the app
  3. “these sort of apps or software are not usually suitable

    for complex listed buildings, unless you are doing something totally different than what has been done in the past”
  4. Katie Steele [email protected] Slide 4: Guidance Accessible: https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/publications/bim-for-heritage/ Slide 5:

    IMAGE Church of England; Accessible: https://facultyonline.churchofengland.org/churches Slide 6: Data from: 1 Commons Hansard for 27 January 2022 (Volume 707), Churches and Cathedrals: Sustainability;(Church Commissioners); Available at https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2022-01-27/debates/6FC3DE78-1540-48D7-B5F2- B23B1FCC09F1/ChurchCommissioners [accessed 08/05/2022] 2 Commons Hansard for 9 December 2021 (Volume 705), Churches and Cathedrals: Sustainability (Church Commissioners); Available at https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2021-12-09/debates/6FC3DE78-1540-48D4-B3F3-B23B1FCC06F4/ChurchCommissioners [accessed 08/05/2022] 3 Historic England (2019) The Value of Maintenance report Accessible: https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/publications/value- of-maintenance/ References