Anthony Bertuzzi - Research is a game: Play and perception in design research
We explore an emerging approach to design research that can liberate our research participants from the confines of reality to a new, virtual space of limitless possibilities.
mind constructs only images of possibility. If something seems impossible, it may also be unimaginable. Once we have the capability to form images in our mind, we can define the capability needed to bring them to life - to enable them as technologies.” Alexander Manu Image by Dig Intent. 2022.
through shared experience. It can help forge new bonds, strengthen existing ones and break down barriers and gather subjective and collective interpretations.
transport participants into a novel game space to free their thinking and inspire creativity. It can help to use game materials to reinforce this sense of novelty and provoke interesting responses.
they are a different person, they can develop increased empathy. Encourage participants to demonstrate new behaviours. Moderators can help guide play and this opens up opportunities for teachable moments.
purpose. Establish your research goal and the intended transfer effect up front. Ask yourself: What are you trying to find out? This will guide your rules for play.
wide net and keep an open mind. Great ideas can come from anywhere – film, tv, books and board games are all great places to look. One you have your concept, it’s time to prepare for play. Design your prototype, test and refine.