Building a team of generalists vs specialists: Unicorns or experts?
What should you know when building your design team? Pros and cons of hiring multiple individuals with each skill or developing multi-skills individuals?
Presented by Leandro Gama and Marc Decerle at Managing Design 2016
SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT ̣̤̤ Inbound Marketing ̣̤̤ Competitive Edge ̣̣̤ Sales and Negotiations ̤̤̤ Business Case ̣̤̤ Business Require… ̣̣̤ User Research ̣̣̤ User Experience ̣̣̤ Functional Spec. ̣̣̣ UI Design ̤̤̤ Solutions Archi. ̤̤̤ Technical Spec. ̣̤̤ Coding Language ̣̤̤ Product Knowledge ̣̤̤ Technical Skills ̣̣̤ Client Engagement
outstanding products and services and attract high quality resources?? Skill Gap and Mentoring: ✓ Which areas do you need to up-skill as an organisation? ✓ How do you ensure that junior staff continue to grow and develop? THE GENERALIST Predictable Demand: ✓ How predictable is your demand for services? ✓ Does your demand for services justify dedicated resources? Size & budget: ✓ How big is your organisation? How to manage resource utilisation? ✓ How much can you realistic afford to cover your core needs? WHAT TO CONSIDER
with a true understanding of the business problem” Find a match between the organisation & designer needs Look for Attitude & Personality Curiosity Empathy Drive Resilience Responsibility Flexibility Bold Spirited