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Docker Networking - A Primer

Docker Networking - A Primer

Takes the audience through the range of networking technologies that docker works with.

Vamsee Kanakala

September 15, 2015

More Decks by Vamsee Kanakala

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  1. Docker Networking - A Primer By Vamsee Kanakala Devops Consultant

    Image © https://denibertovic.com/talks/supercharge-development-env-using-docker/img/what_is_docker.png
  2. Why Docker Networking? • Most docker users know the basics

    of how it works • Massively simplifies building micro-services & SOA • Opens up simpler ways of building distributed systems • Also, a ton of innovation is happening in this area • Of course, heaps of fun! 2
  3. The Basics 1. Bridge networking d o c k e

    r r u n - i t - - n e t = b r i d g e . . . • Sets up d o c k e r 0 and v e t h * • Port mapping d o c k e r r u n - p 8 0 : 8 0 8 0 f o o / a p a c h e . . . • Links d o c k e r r u n - P - - n a m e w e b - - l i n k p g d b : d b . . . • Compose (orchestration) • Pipework 2. Host networking - - n e t = h o s t 3. Mapped Container networking - - n e t = c o n t a i n e r : N A M E _ o r _ I D 3
  4. The Cluster Managers Address and manage a cluster of containers

    as a single system 1. Kubernetes 2. Mesos 3. Docker Swarm “ 4
  5. Kubernetes 1. Pods/Nodes 2. Volumes 3. Replication Controller 4. Labels

    & Selectors 5. Services Image © https://meteorhacks.com/learn-kubernetes-the-future-of-the-cloud 5
  6. Mesos Abstracts CPU, memory, storage away into a single system

    1. Masters • Slaves • Resource Offers 2. Frameworks - Hadoop, Spark, Storm... • Schedulers • Executors “ Image © http://mesos.apache.org/documentation/latest/mesos-architecture/ 6
  7. Docker Swarm Native Docker Clustering 1. Swarm Manager 2. Nodes/Agents

    3. Discovery • Static file: s w a r m m a n a g e - H . . . • Using service discovery tools like etcd, consul, zookeeper 4. Advanced scheduling with strategies (spread, binpack, random) & filters “ Image © http://cloudgeekz.com/538/docker-swarm-native-clustering-for-docker-hosts.html 7
  8. Virtual Network Managers Implement Overlay networking for clusters of containers

    1. Weave 2. Flannel 3. Project Calico 4. Libnetwork “ Image © https://github.com/weaveworks/weave#readme 8
  9. Libnetwork A multi-platform library for networking containers 1. n e

    t w o r k and s e r v i c e become first class objects 2. Create a network: d o c k e r n e t w o r k c r e a t e . . . p r o d 3. Publish a network: d o c k e r s e r v i c e p u b l i s h d b 1 . p r o d 4. Start a container: c i d = $ ( d o c k e r r u n - i t d u b u n t u ) 5. Attach a container: d o c k e r s e r v i c e a t t a c h $ c i d d b 1 . p r o d 6. Networking plugins - Weave, Flocker (volume management) “ 9
  10. What next? Go forth and have fun! Questions? Twitter: @

    v a m s e e Email: v a m s e e @ v i a m e n t i s . c o m Github: g i t h u b . c o m / v a m s e e “ 10