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How to effectively utilize services of Amazon ...

How to effectively utilize services of Amazon Cloud to boost performance of your WordPress Website - WordCamp Bucharest 2017

One of the major reasons of a person’s online driven frustration is a slow website.
One does not think the second time to go away and never be back on it. What if this is your website?
Will those low numbers on the analytics not dull your day? Are you not concerned how and when did you website fail you? Well the answer and solution both is Cloud.
The talk revolves around the basic services of Amazon Web Services, that need to be taken into consideration to enhance the performance of your site. This does not mean you have to spend too much. The talk briefs on best way to use your funds and accurately use these services to get the best possible results.
From setting up and integration of Amazon S3 service to adding the Amazon CloudFront Service as your content delivery network to your WordPress website and finally utilizing the Amazon Route 53 as your DNS along with the hurdles and discussions on why and when to implement the same are discussed in this talk

Vineet Talwar

October 07, 2017

More Decks by Vineet Talwar

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  1. How to effectively utilize services of Amazon Cloud to boost

    performance of your WordPress Website By Vineet Talwar @talwar_Vineet FireMud FM
  2. Problems? • Slow Website? • Lot of assets? • Low

    Benchmark scores such as Google Page speed insights, tools.pingdom.com, Yslow ? • High bounce rate? • Decreasing Sale Conversions ? • Buffering issue on hosted audio / Video? @talwar_vineet
  3. Questions? • Do I really need to go cloud? •

    I am just a blogger, why should I need to go cloud? • How much does it cost? I have heard it costs a lot? • Cloud is for big enterprise, why do I need it? • What are my benefits of going cloud ? @talwar_vineet
  4. Amazon Web Services • S3 – Simple Storage Service •

    CloudFront • Route53 • EC2 and RDS @talwar_vineet
  5. Pricing? • Free Tier • 5GB S3 Storage, • 50

    GB Data Transfer Out, 2,000,000 HTTP and HTTPS Requests of CloudFront, • 5 GB of data transfer out and 1GB of regional data transfer aggregated across all AWS services • And many more. @talwar_vineet
  6. Plugins for Integration 1. WP Offload S3 Plugin – https://wordpress.org/plugins/amazon-s3-and-cloudfront/

    and https://wordpress.org/plugins/amazon-web-services/ 2. W3 Total Cache – https://wordpress.org/plugins/w3-total-cache/ 3. WP Super Cache – https://wordpress.org/plugins/w3-total-cache/ @talwar_vineet
  7. Only S3 Integration 1. Install plugin WP Offload S3 and

    Amazon Web Services 2. Login to AWS Console and navigate to IAM User 3. Create a user with access keys 4. Configure these access key id and secret key into plugin 5. Create S3 bucket and Add Permissions 6. Go to plugin, choose bucket, configure settings @talwar_vineet
  8. S3 Links over CloudFront 1. Login to AWS Console 2.

    Navigate to CloudFront and Select S3 bucket as Origin Domain 3. Create distribution 4. When finished copy the CDN URL and enter in Plugin WP Offload S3. 5. Save and clear Cache. @talwar_vineet
  9. CloudFront Distribution for website A. W3 total cache and IAM

    user 1. Install W3 Total Cache 2. Navigate to IAM and Create IAM user with policies to manage CloudFront distribution 3. Configure the settings in Plugin. 4. Create Distribution B. W3 total cache and Generic Mirror 1. Via Generic Mirror option of W3 Total Cache @talwar_vineet
  10. Best Case 1. S3 + CloudFront for Assets 2. CloudFront

    for scripts and stylesheets 3. Route53 as DNS Provider 4. To Sum up, Total two CloudFront Distributions one for S3 bucket and other for entire domain. @talwar_vineet
  11. Route53 1. Why Do I need a dedicated DNS Provider?

    Can’t I use the DNS editor feature of my DNS provider? 2. What are the benefits of Route53 ? 3. Does DNS also affects the speed of site ? But How ? 4. I am pretty sure, this must be costing really too much? @talwar_vineet
  12. Own Subdomain for CDN 1. Using your own subdomain for

    S3 over CloudFront 2. Using Your Own Domain Name for Entire domain distribution over CloudFront @talwar_vineet
  13. CDN common Problems and Solutions @talwar_vineet Possible Issues Solution Mixed

    Content / Mixed URL Better Search-Replace Broken images Check permissions on S3 bucket Access-Control-Allow-Origin Header Add this header via .htaccess Images Not Loading Check if CDN distribution is finished Style change not reflecting Invalidate Cache in CloudFront Assets available over http as well Change in CloudFront Settings to https Font generating CORS header issue Add origin for font folder in distribution Certain file should not be over CDN Rejected files section in w3 total cache