systems to create value from big data • help businesses scale so2ware • realize agile so2ware development – with our customer‘s in house development and in custom so2ware development We are codecentric.
plan and produce for averages (Lme, space, customers), but necessary to opLmize for the individual, precise locaLons and now Big Data + Industry 4.0 Shared Challenge
the creaLon of products and service, e.g. through proacLve maintenance based on data from track mounted sensors. Metropolitan Transporta8on Union Pacific
from “Big Data AnalyLcs – auf dem Weg zur Datengetriebenen Wirtscha2”, BARC Research Use Case Department Use BDA Plan BDA Log File Analysis and Performance OpLmizaLon IT 27% 59% SimulaLon and Scenario based Risk Analysis Controlling 20% 69% Inventory OpLmizaLon LogisLcs 18% 47% ProacLve Maintenance ProducLon / Customer Service 9/10 % 40/ 41%
from “Big Data AnalyLcs – auf dem Weg zur Datengetriebenen Wirtscha2”, BARC Research Use Case Department Use BDA Plan BDA Customer LifeLme Value Analysis and PredicLon MarkeLng 26% 60% Analysis of Customer Behaviour Customer Service 20% 69% Customer SegmentaLon MarkeLng 19% 54% Trend / Market Analysis R & D 17% 63%
from “Big Data AnalyLcs – auf dem Weg zur Datengetriebenen Wirtscha2”, BARC Research Use Case Department Use BDA Plan BDA Test Data Analysis R&D 20% 52% Root Cause Analysis ProducLon 13% 59% PaRern DetecLon in Customer Complaints Customer Service 7% 61% Warranty Analysis Customer Service 6% 39%