from /Users/wada.yusuke/.sbt/0.13/plugins [info] Set current project to developers-io-2017 (in build file:/Users/ wada.yusuke/.ghq/ This template generates a Play Scala project name [play-scala-seed]: akka-streams-starter organization [com.example]: scalatestplusplay_version [3.1.1]: play_version [2.6.2]: Template applied in ./akka-streams-starter
from /Users/wada.yusuke/.sbt/0.13/plugins [info] Set current project to developers-io-2017 (in build file:/Users/ wada.yusuke/.ghq/ This template generates a Play Scala project name [play-scala-seed]: akka-streams-starter organization [com.example]: scalatestplusplay_version [3.1.1]: play_version [2.6.2]: Template applied in ./akka-streams-starter 1MBZʹBLLB͕ಉࠝ͞Ε͍ͯ·͢
Source } object StreamApplication { implicit val as = ActorSystem() implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val source = Source(1 to 100) val flow = Flow.fromFunction[Int, Int](_ * 3) val sink = Sink.foreach(println) val graph = source.via(flow).to(sink) } }
Source } object StreamApplication { implicit val as = ActorSystem() implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val source = Source(1 to 100) val flow = Flow.fromFunction[Int, Int](_ * 3) val sink = Sink.foreach(println) val graph = source.via(flow).to(sink) } }
Source } object StreamApplication { implicit val as = ActorSystem() implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer() def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val source = Source(1 to 100) val flow = Flow.fromFunction[Int, Int](_ * 3) val sink = Sink.foreach(println) val graph = source.via(flow).to(sink) } } TCUlSVO.BJO4USFBN"QQMJDBUJPOz ʜ