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September 06, 2024



September 06, 2024


  1. 7

  2. ZIO Streamsで表現するには ワークフロー定義に3つの抽象化されたモジュールを利用する ZStream[Env,Err,Out] ストリームワークフローのデータソースとして機能 ZPipeline[Env, Err, In, Out] 実態は

    ZStream[Env,Err,In] => ZStream[Env,Err,Out] ZSink[Env,Err,In,Left,Consumed] ZSink[Env,Err,In,Left,Consumed] => ZIO[Env,Err,Consumed] な ZStream#run に渡して消費する 18
  3. 組み合わせると def extractionStream(apiEndpoint: URL): ZStream[Any, Throwable, ApiResponse] def transformationPipeline: ZPipeline[Any,

    Throwable, APIResponse, (String, Array[Byte])] def loadingSink: ZSink[Any, IOException, (String, Array[Byte]), Nothing, Unit] object Main extends ZIOAppDefault override def run = val effects = apiEndpoints.map { apiEndpoint => extractionStream(apiEndpoint) >>> transformationPipeline >>> loadingSink } ZIO.collectAllPar(effects).unit 19
  4. Extractの実装 def extractionStream(apiEndpoint: URL): : ZStream[Any, Throwable, ApiResponse] = ZStream.paginateZIO(apiEndpoint)

    { apiEndpoint => for response: Task[ApiResponse] <- if(isBlocking(apiEndpoint)) then ZIO.attemptBlocking(callBlockingApi(apiEndpoint)) else ZIO.fromFutureJava(callApi(apiEndpoint)) nextEndpoint = Option(response.nextEndpoint) yield (response, nextEndpoint) } 21
  5. Transformの実装 def transformationPipeline: ZPipeline[Any, Throwable, APIResponse, (String, Array[Byte])] = val

    gzipPipeline = ZPipeline.mapZIO { (response: APIResponse) => ZIO.scoped { for byteArrayOs <- ZIO.fromAutoCloseable(ZIO.attempt(new ByteArrayOutputStream())) gzipOs <- ZIO.fromAutoCloseable(ZIO.attempt(new GZIPOutputStream(byteArrayOs))) _ <- ZIO.attemptBlockingIO(gzipOs.write(response.getRawResponse.getBytes)) yield byteArrayOs }.map(_.toByteArray) } val fileNamePipeline = ZPipeline.mapAccum[Array[Byte], Int, (String, Array[Byte])](1)( (index, data) => (index + 1, (s"data_$index.json.gz", data)) ) gzipPipeline >>> fileNamePipeline 23
  6. Loadの実装 def loadingSink: ZSink[Any, IOException, (String, Array[Byte]), Nothing, Unit] =

    ZSink.foreach { (pathWithData: (String, Array[Byte])) => val blobId = BlobId.of(BUCKET_NAME, pathWithData._1) val blobInfo = BlobInfo.newBuilder(blobId).build() ZIO.attemptBlockingIO(storage.create(blobInfo, pathWithData._2)) } 25