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February 05, 2018


DroidKaigi 2018


February 05, 2018

More Decks by watanave

Other Decks in Programming


  1. 9.- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/ apk/res/android" xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"

    android:orientation="vertical" tools:context="jp.watanave.ankosamples.XMLActivity"> <EditText android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" /> <Button android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="SAY hello"/> </LinearLayout>
  2. <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/ apk/res/android" xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:orientation="vertical" tools:context="jp.watanave.ankosamples.XMLActivity"> <EditText android:layout_width="match_parent"

    android:layout_height="wrap_content" /> <Button android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="SAY hello"/> </LinearLayout> verticalLayout { editText() button("Say Hello") } 9.- "OLP%4-
  3. 9.- <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:orientation="horizontal" android:background="@android:color/darker_gray" tools:context="jp.watanave.ankosamples.XMLActivity"> <TextView

    android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/red" android:textColor="#FF0000"/> <TextView android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/white" android:textColor="#FFFFFF"/> <TextView android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/yellow" android:textColor="#FFFB00"/> </LinearLayout>
  4. "OLP%4- linearLayout { backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY textView { text =

    "͔͋" textColor = Color.RED } textView { text = "͠Ζ" textColor = Color.WHITE } textView { text = "͖͍Ζ" textColor = Color.YELLOW } }
  5. "OLP%4- linearLayout { backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY textView { text =

    "͔͋" textColor = Color.RED } textView { text = "͠Ζ" textColor = Color.WHITE } textView { text = "͖͍Ζ" textColor = Color.YELLOW } } linearLayout { backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY textView { text = "͔͋" textColor = Color.RED } textView { text = "͠Ζ" textColor = Color.WHITE } textView { text = "͖͍Ζ" textColor = Color.YELLOW } } linearLayout { backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY textView { text = "͔͋" textColor = Color.RED }
  6. "OLP%4- linearLayout { backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY textView { text =

    "͔͋" textColor = Color.RED } textView { text = "͠Ζ" textColor = Color.WHITE } textView { text = "͖͍Ζ" textColor = Color.YELLOW } } ϒϨʔεͷதͰϓϩύςΟηοτ linearLayout { backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY textView { text = "͔͋" textColor = Color.RED } textView { text = "͠Ζ" textColor = Color.WHITE } textView { text = "͖͍Ζ" textColor = Color.YELLOW } } textView { text = “͔͋" textColor = Color.RED }
  7. "OLP%4- linearLayout { backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY textView { text =

    "͔͋" textColor = Color.RED } textView { text = "͠Ζ" textColor = Color.WHITE } textView { text = "͖͍Ζ" textColor = Color.YELLOW } }
  8. "OLP%4- linearLayout { backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY textView { text =

    "͔͋" textColor = Color.RED }.lparams { margin = dip(10) } textView { text = "͠Ζ" textColor = Color.WHITE }.lparams { margin = dip(10) } textView { text = "͖͍Ζ" textColor = Color.YELLOW }.lparams { margin = dip(10) } }
  9. "OLP%4- linearLayout { backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY textView { text =

    "͔͋" textColor = Color.RED }.lparams { margin = dip(10) } textView { text = "͠Ζ" textColor = Color.WHITE }.lparams { margin = dip(10) } textView { text = "͖͍Ζ" textColor = Color.YELLOW }.lparams { margin = dip(10) } } linearLayout { backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY textView { text = "͔͋" textColor = Color.RED }.lparams { margin = dip(10) } textView { text = "͠Ζ" textColor = Color.WHITE }.lparams { margin = dip(10) } textView { text = "͖͍Ζ" textColor = Color.YELLOW }.lparams { margin = dip(10) } } textView { text = "͔͋" textColor = Color.RED }.lparams { margin = dip(10) }
  10. "OLP$PNQPOFOU class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity() { // ུ } class

    MyActivityUI : AnkoComponent<MyActivity> { } class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity() { // ུ } class MyActivityUI : AnkoComponent<MyActivity> { }
  11. "OLP$PNQPOFOU class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity() { // ུ } class

    MyActivityUI : AnkoComponent<MyActivity> { override fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<MyActivity>): View { // DSLॻ͘ } } class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity() { // ུ } class MyActivityUI : AnkoComponent<MyActivity> { override fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<MyActivity>): View { // DSLॻ͘ } }
  12. "OLP$PNQPOFOU class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?)

    { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) } } class MyActivityUI : AnkoComponent<MyActivity> { override fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<MyActivity>): View { // DSLॻ͘ } } class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) } } class MyActivityUI : AnkoComponent<MyActivity> { override fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<MyActivity>): View { // DSLॻ͘ } }
  13. "OLP$PNQPOFOU class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?)

    { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) MyActivityUI().setContentView(this) } } class MyActivityUI : AnkoComponent<MyActivity> { override fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<MyActivity>): View { // DSLॻ͘ } } class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) MyActivityUI().setContentView(this) } } class MyActivityUI : AnkoComponent<MyActivity> { override fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<MyActivity>): View { // DSLॻ͘ } }
  14. "OLPղମγϣʔ linearLayout { backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY textView { text =

    "͔͋" textColor = Color.RED }.lparams { margin = dip(10) } textView { text = "͠Ζ" textColor = Color.WHITE }.lparams { margin = dip(10) } textView { text = "͖͍Ζ" textColor = Color.YELLOW }.lparams { margin = dip(10) } } linearLayout { backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY textView { text = "͔͋" textColor = Color.RED }.lparams { margin = dip(10) } textView { text = "͠Ζ" textColor = Color.WHITE }.lparams { margin = dip(10) } textView { text = "͖͍Ζ" textColor = Color.YELLOW }.lparams { margin = dip(10) } }
  15. MJOFBS-BZPVUΛίʔϧ class AnkoContext(val ctx: Context) { fun linearLayout(init: ()->Unit) :

    LinearLayout { return LinearLayout(ctx) } } fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) { ui.linearLayout ({ // do something }) }
  16. %4-ͬΆ͘ίʔϧ class AnkoContext(val ctx: Context) { fun linearLayout(init: ()->Unit) :

    LinearLayout { return LinearLayout(ctx) } } fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) { ui.linearLayout ({ // do something }) } fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) { ui.linearLayout ({ // do something }) }
  17. %4-ͬΆ͘ίʔϧ class AnkoContext(val ctx: Context) { fun linearLayout(init: ()->Unit) :

    LinearLayout { return LinearLayout(ctx) } } fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) { ui.linearLayout { // do something } } ɹɹ
  18. XJUI inline fun <T, R> with(receiver: T, block: T.() ->

  19. %4-ͬΆ͘ίʔϧ class AnkoContext(val ctx: Context) { fun linearLayout(init: ()->Unit) :

    LinearLayout { return LinearLayout(ctx) } } fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) { ui.linearLayout { // do something } }
  20. XJUI࢖ͬͯΈΔ class AnkoContext(val ctx: Context) { fun linearLayout(init: ()->Unit) :

    LinearLayout { return LinearLayout(ctx) } } fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) { with(ui, { this.linearLayout { // do something } }) } ui { this.linearLayout { // do something } }
  21. ୯Ұࣜؔ਺ͩͬͨ class AnkoContext(val ctx: Context) { fun linearLayout(init: ()->Unit) :

    LinearLayout { return LinearLayout(ctx) } } fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) { with(ui, { this.linearLayout { // do something } }) } with(ui, { this.linearLayout { // do something } })
  22. ୯Ұࣜؔ਺ class AnkoContext(val ctx: Context) { fun linearLayout(init: ()->Unit) :

    LinearLayout { return LinearLayout(ctx) } } fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) = with(ui, { this.linearLayout { // do something } })
  23. ΋ͬͱ%4-ͬΆ͘ίʔϧ class AnkoContext(val ctx: Context) { fun linearLayout(init: ()->Unit) :

    LinearLayout { return LinearLayout(ctx) } } fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) = with(ui, { this.linearLayout { // do something } })
  24. ΋ͬͱ%4-ͬΆ͘ίʔϧ class AnkoContext(val ctx: Context) { fun linearLayout(init: ()->Unit) :

    LinearLayout { return LinearLayout(ctx) } } fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) = with(ui) { this.linearLayout { // do something } }
  25. ΋ͬͱ΋ͬͱ%4-ͬΆ͘ class AnkoContext(val ctx: Context) { fun linearLayout(init: ()->Unit) :

    LinearLayout { return LinearLayout(ctx) } } fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) = with(ui) { linearLayout { // do something } }
  26. ϓϩύςΟ͸Ͳ͏΍ͬͯʁ class AnkoContext(val ctx: Context) { fun linearLayout(init: ()->Unit) :

    LinearLayout { return LinearLayout(ctx) } } fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) = with(ui) { linearLayout { } } backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY
  27. ͜Ε͸ҧ͏ʁ class AnkoContext(val ctx: Context) { fun linearLayout(init: ()->Unit) :

    LinearLayout { return LinearLayout(ctx) } } fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) = with(ui) { linearLayout { linearLayout -> linearLayout.backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY } }
  28. ͜Ε΋ҧ͏ʁ class AnkoContext(val ctx: Context) { fun linearLayout(init: ()->Unit) :

    LinearLayout { return LinearLayout(ctx) } } fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) = with(ui) { linearLayout { linearLayout -> with(linearLayout) { this.backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY } } }
  29. JOJUͷUIJTΛ-JOFBS-BZPVUʹ class AnkoContext(val ctx: Context) { fun linearLayout(init: ()->Unit) :

    LinearLayout { return LinearLayout(ctx) } } fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) = with(ui) { linearLayout { // ͜ͷείʔϓͷthisΛLinearLayoutʹ͍ͨ͠ʂ } }
  30. ϓϩύςΟ͸Ͳ͏΍ͬͯʁ class AnkoContext(val ctx: Context) { fun linearLayout(init: ()->Unit) :

    LinearLayout { return LinearLayout(ctx) } } fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) = with(ui) { linearLayout { } }
  31. ϓϩύςΟ͸Ͳ͏΍ͬͯʁ class AnkoContext(val ctx: Context) { fun linearLayout(init: LinearLayout.()->Unit) :

    LinearLayout { return LinearLayout(ctx) } } fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) = with(ui) { linearLayout { } }
  32. ϓϩύςΟ͸Ͳ͏΍ͬͯʁ class AnkoContext(val ctx: Context) { fun linearLayout(init: LinearLayout.()->Unit) :

    LinearLayout { val linearLayout = LinearLayout(ctx) linearLayout.init() return linearLayout } } fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) = with(ui) { linearLayout { backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY } } this.
  33. 5FYU7JFXΛ഑ஔ͍ͨ͠ class AnkoContext(val ctx: Context) { fun linearLayout(init: LinearLayout.()->Unit) :

    LinearLayout { val linearLayout = LinearLayout(ctx) linearLayout.init() return linearLayout } } fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) = with(ui) { linearLayout { backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY } } textView { text = "͋Μ͜" }
  34. 5FYU7JFX΋࣮૷ͯ͠ΈΔ fun linearLayout(init: LinearLayout.()->Unit) : LinearLayout { val linearLayout =

    LinearLayout(ctx) linearLayout.init() return linearLayout } fun textView(init: TextView.()->Unit) : TextView { val textView = TextView(ctx) textView.init() return textView }
  35. 5FYU7JFX΋࣮૷ͯ͠ΈΔ class AnkoContext(val ctx: Context) { fun linearLayout(init: LinearLayout.()->Unit) :

    LinearLayout { val linearLayout = LinearLayout(ctx) linearLayout.init() return linearLayout } } fun ViewGroup.textView(init: TextView.()->Unit) : TextView { val textView = TextView(this.context) textView.init() return textView }
  36. "EE7JFXͯ͠ͳ͔ͬͨ class AnkoContext(val ctx: Context) { fun linearLayout(init: LinearLayout.()->Unit) :

    LinearLayout { val linearLayout = LinearLayout(ctx) linearLayout.init() (ctx as Activity).setContentView(linearLayout) return linearLayout } } fun ViewGroup.textView(init: TextView.()->Unit) : TextView { val textView = TextView(this.context) textView.init() this.addView(textView) return textView }
  37. ೖΕࢠߏ଄Ͱ͖ͨ fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) = with(ui) { return linearLayout {

    backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY textView { text = “͋Μ͜" } } }
  38. MQBSBNTΛͲ͏͢Δ͔ fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) = with(ui) { linearLayout { backgroundColor

    = Color.DKGRAY textView { text = “͋Μ͜" }.lparams { } } }
  39. 5FYU7JFXΛ֦ு fun TextView.lparams(init: LinearLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit): TextView { val layoutParams

    = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) layoutParams.init() this.layoutParams = layoutParams return this } fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) = with(ui) { linearLayout { backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY textView { text = “͋Μ͜" }.lparams { } } }
  40. ܕҧ͏໰୊ fun TextView.lparams(init: LinearLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit): TextView { val layoutParams

    = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(width, height) layoutParams.init() this.layoutParams = layoutParams return this } fun createView(ui: AnkoContext) = with(ui) { relativeLayout { backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY textView { text = “͋Μ͜" }.lparams { } } } #
  41. class _LinearLayout(context: Context) : LinearLayout(context) { fun TextView.lparams(init: LinearLayout.LayoutParams.() ->

    Unit): TextView { val layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams() layoutParams.init() this.layoutParams = layoutParams return this } } @ΫϥεΛ࡞Δ
  42. @ΫϥεΛฦ͢ class AnkoContext(val ctx: Context) { fun linearLayout(init: LinearLayout.()->Unit) :

    _LinearLayout { val linearLayout = _LinearLayout(ctx) linearLayout.init() return linearLayout } }
  43. class _FrameLayout(context: Context) : FrameLayout(context) { fun TextView.lparams(init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() ->

    Unit): TextView { class _RelativeLayout(context: Context) : RelativeLayout(context) { fun TextView.lparams(init: RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit): TextView { class _LinearLayout(context: Context) : LinearLayout(context) { fun TextView.lparams(init: LinearLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit): TextView { class _LinearLayout(context: Context) : LinearLayout(context) { fun TextView.lparams(init: LinearLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit): TextView { class _FrameLayout(context: Context) : FrameLayout(context) { fun TextView.lparams(init: FrameLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit): TextView { class _RelativeLayout(context: Context) : RelativeLayout(context) { fun TextView.lparams(init: RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.() -> Unit): TextView {
  44. linearLayout { backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY textView { text = "͔͋"

    textColor = Color.RED }.lparams { weight = 1.0f } // ུ } linearLayout { backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY textView { text = "͔͋" textColor = Color.RED }.lparams { weight = 1.0f } // ུ }
  45. relativeLayout { backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY textView { text = "͔͋"

    textColor = Color.RED }.lparams { centerInParent() } // ུ } relativeLayout { backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY textView { text = "͔͋" textColor = Color.RED }.lparams { centerInParent() } // ུ }
  46. "OLP%4- linearLayout { backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY textView { text =

    "͔͋" textColor = Color.RED }.lparams { margin = dip(10) } textView { text = "͠Ζ" textColor = Color.WHITE }.lparams { margin = dip(10) } textView { text = "͖͍Ζ" textColor = Color.YELLOW }.lparams { margin = dip(10) } } linearLayout { backgroundColor = Color.DKGRAY textView { text = "͔͋" textColor = Color.RED }.lparams { margin = dip(10) } textView { text = "͠Ζ" textColor = Color.WHITE }.lparams { margin = dip(10) } textView { text = "͖͍Ζ" textColor = Color.YELLOW }.lparams { margin = dip(10) } }
  47. ܕ҆શ class MyActivityUI : AnkoComponent<MyActivity> { override fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<MyActivity>):

    View = with(ui) { verticalLayout { val textView = textView("0") val button = button("OK") } } }
  48. ܕ҆શ class MyActivityUI : AnkoComponent<MyActivity> { var textView: TextView? var

    button: Button? override fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<MyActivity>): View = with(ui) { verticalLayout { textView = textView("0") button = button("OK") } } }
  49. ܕ҆શ class MyActivityUI : AnkoComponent<MyActivity> { lateinit var textView: TextView

    private set lateinit var button: Button private set override fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<MyActivity>): View = with(ui) { verticalLayout { textView = textView("0") button = button("OK") } } }
  50. ಈతͳϨΠΞ΢τ class MyActivityUI(private val theme: Int, private val buttonTheme: Int)

    : AnkoComponent<MyActivity> { override fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<MyActivity>): View = with(ui) { owner.setTheme(theme) verticalLayout { textView("0") button(“OK") themedButton("Cancel", buttonTheme) } } }
  51. ಈతͳϨΠΞ΢τ class MyActivityUI(private val theme: Int, private val buttonTheme: Int)

    : AnkoComponent<MyActivity> { override fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<MyActivity>): View = with(ui) { owner.setTheme(theme) verticalLayout { textView("0") button(“OK") themedButton("Cancel", buttonTheme) } } }
  52. ಈతͳϨΠΞ΢τ class MyActivityUI(private val theme: Int, private val buttonTheme: Int)

    : AnkoComponent<MyActivity> { override fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<MyActivity>): View = with(ui) { owner.setTheme(theme) verticalLayout { textView("0") button(“OK") themedButton("Cancel", buttonTheme) } } }
  53. ಈతͳϨΠΞ΢τ class MyActivityUI(private val theme: Int, private val buttonTheme: Int)

    : AnkoComponent<MyActivity> { override fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<MyActivity>): View = with(ui) { owner.setTheme(theme) verticalLayout { textView("0") button(“OK") themedButton("Cancel", buttonTheme) } } }
  54. ϨΠΞ΢τͷ࠶ར༻ interface SampleUI<in T> : AnkoComponent<T> { override fun createView(ui:

    AnkoContext<T>): View = with(ui) { relativeLayout { imageView(R.drawable.zebra) { scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY }.lparams(width = matchParent, height = matchParent) createInnerView().lparams { centerInParent() } } } fun _RelativeLayout.createInnerView() : View }
  55. ϨΠΞ΢τͷ࠶ར༻ interface SampleUI<in T> : AnkoComponent<T> { override fun createView(ui:

    AnkoContext<T>): View = with(ui) { relativeLayout { imageView(R.drawable.zebra) { scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY }.lparams(width = matchParent, height = matchParent) createInnerView().lparams { centerInParent() } } } fun _RelativeLayout.createInnerView() : View }
  56. ϨΠΞ΢τͷ࠶ར༻ interface SampleUI<in T> : AnkoComponent<T> { override fun createView(ui:

    AnkoContext<T>): View = with(ui) { relativeLayout { imageView(R.drawable.zebra) { scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY }.lparams(width = matchParent, height = matchParent) createInnerView().lparams { centerInParent() } } } fun _RelativeLayout.createInnerView() : View }
  57. ϨΠΞ΢τͷ࠶ར༻ class Sample1UI: SampleUI<Context> { override fun _RelativeLayout.createInnerView() : View

    = with(this) { button("Button") } } class Sample2UI: SampleUI<Context> { override fun _RelativeLayout.createInnerView() : View = with(this) { textView("text") } } class Sample3UI: SampleUI<Context> { override fun _RelativeLayout.createInnerView() : View = with(this) { progressBar() } }
  58. ϨΠΞ΢τͷ࠶ར༻ class Sample1UI: SampleUI<Context> { override fun _RelativeLayout.createInnerView() : View

    = with(this) { button("Button") } } class Sample2UI: SampleUI<Context> { override fun _RelativeLayout.createInnerView() : View = with(this) { textView("text") } } class Sample3UI: SampleUI<Context> { override fun _RelativeLayout.createInnerView() : View = with(this) { progressBar() } }
  59. ϨΠΞ΢τͷ࠶ར༻ fun ViewManager.hourlyWeatherView() = customView(theme = 0) {} inline fun

    ViewManager.hourlyWeatherView(init: HourlyWeatherView.()->Unit) : HourlyWeatherView { return ankoView({ HourlyWeatherView(it) }, theme = 0, init = init) } %4-Ͱ࢖͑ΔΑ͏ʹ
  60. ϨΠΞ΢τͷ࠶ར༻ class WeatherActivityUI: AnkoComponent<WeatherActivity> { var hourlyWeatherViews = arrayListOf<HourlyWeatherView>() override

    fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<WeatherActivity>): View = with(ui) { linearLayout { hourlyWeatherView().let { hourlyWeatherViews(it) } hourlyWeatherView().let { hourlyWeatherViews(it) } hourlyWeatherView().let { hourlyWeatherViews(it) } hourlyWeatherView().let { hourlyWeatherViews(it) } hourlyWeatherView().let { hourlyWeatherViews(it) } } } }
  61. ఆ਺Λ༻ҙ class MyActivityUI : AnkoComponent<MyActivity> { private object Ids {

    val editText = 1 val button = 2 } override fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<MyActivity>): View = with(ui) { verticalLayout { editText { id = Ids.editText } button("OK") { id = Ids.button } } } }
  62. ఆ਺Λ༻ҙ class MyActivityUI : AnkoComponent<MyActivity> { private object Ids {

    val editText = 1 val button = 2 } override fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<MyActivity>): View = with(ui) { verticalLayout { editText { id = Ids.editText } button("OK") { id = Ids.button } } } }
  63. 7JFXHFOFSBUF7JFX*E class MyActivityUI : AnkoComponent<MyActivity> { override fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<MyActivity>):

    View = with(ui) { verticalLayout { editText { id = View.generateViewId() } button("OK") { id = View.generateViewId() } } } }
  64. 7JFXHFOFSBUF7JFX*E class MyActivityUI : AnkoComponent<MyActivity> { override fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<MyActivity>):

    View = with(ui) { verticalLayout { editText { id = View.generateViewId() } button("OK") { id = View.generateViewId() } } } }
  65. ίʔυͷߦ൪߸ inline fun generateViewId(): Int = Throwable().stackTrace.first().lineNumber class MyActivityUI :

    AnkoComponent<MyActivity> { override fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<MyActivity>): View = with(ui) { verticalLayout { editText { id = generateViewId() } button("OK") { id = generateViewId() } } } } -renamesourcefileattribute SourceFile -keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable
  66. ίʔυͷߦ൪߸ inline fun generateViewId(): Int = Throwable().stackTrace.first().lineNumber class MyActivityUI :

    AnkoComponent<MyActivity> { override fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<MyActivity>): View = with(ui) { verticalLayout { editText { id = generateViewId() } button("OK") { id = generateViewId() } } } } -renamesourcefileattribute SourceFile -keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable
  67. ίʔυͷߦ൪߸ inline fun generateViewId(): Int = Throwable().stackTrace.first().lineNumber class MyActivityUI :

    AnkoComponent<MyActivity> { override fun createView(ui: AnkoContext<MyActivity>): View = with(ui) { verticalLayout { editText { id = generateViewId() } button("OK") { id = generateViewId() } } } } -renamesourcefileattribute SourceFile -keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable