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LinQ inc. whoo-app Culture Deck

LinQ inc. whoo-app Culture Deck

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LinQ,inc. whoo

April 17, 2023


  1. whoo L o c a t i o n s

    h a r i n g a p p l i c a t i o n t o k n o w w h e r e y o u r f r i e n d s a r e n o w
  2. LinQ is a company that creates excitement. We develop products

    that fascinate people and create a world they can fall in love with. This world is like the toy section of a department store. At first glance, it may look chaotic and unorganized, but we offer an assortment of exciting and stimulating products that provide 'something fun' and will draw you in. Let's develop products with that kind of excitement! What fun!
  3. Over the past several years, we have been creating applications

    that cater to and entertain the younger generation. Our original mindset was, "Press releases for consumers are just self-satisfaction." Because most of young people do not pay attention to press releases. As a result, we believed that press releases would not contribute to user acquisition or improvement of their experience. With this mindset, we completely ignored the existence of press releases. The reason why we have never done PR before
  4. 1.ձࣾ֓ཁ C o m p a n y o v

    e r v i e w 1.Company Overview
  5. Mission & Vision LinQ Mission & Vision MISSION 1. Contribute

    to society and create enjoyment through creativity. 2. Enhance personal happiness and share the fun with others through creativity. 3. Embrace risks and failures in the process of expressing creativity. The chain of fun created by creativity Our vision is simple. We aim to create an app that is used by people all around the world through our communication app. Creating a communication app used worldwide 01 Company Overview
  6. Company Overview Representative Director : Gosuke Harada Company Address :

    #2F Kuwano Building 6-23-4 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo-to Number of Employees : 30 People (Including outsourcing) Capital : 7 million JPY Business Activities : whoo - a location sharing app Ninjar - anonymous Question App 01 Company Overview
  7. Board Members Born in 1995, the 27-year-old joined Jiraffe Inc.

    a new graduate and served as the PO/PM for Peing - Question Box, overseeing all phases of the project. After leaving the company, founded LinQ. Enjoy watching martial arts and a parent to two children. Recently, daily routine consists of being woken up early by Anpanman picture books. Despite the busy days, committed to product development and taking care of their children's daycare drop-offs and pick-ups. Born in 1994, the 28-year-old joined Minna no Wedding as a new graduate and worked on tool development for users. Afterward, gained experience in communication-related engineering, design, and implementation before taking on the role of PO and engineer in launching a new service. Live with my family on Ishigaki Island, where I can reach the ocean in just 10 minutes. For me, the best time is writing code with sipping delicious coffee and listening to their favorite idol songs. Twitter Facebook Twitter Facebook cofounder & CEO Gousuke Harada cofounder & CTO Kazuma Takeda 01 Company Overview
  8. Members Our team includes many members who have experience working

    at leading tech companies in Japan. Akatsuki Chatwork DeNA DMM eureka Gunosy LUUP Mercari GO NeuralXɹ PayPay Raksul Voicy Many others are also enrolled. 01 Company Overview
  9. Location sharing application 2020 2021 2022 whoo whoo *Due to

    space constraints, some parts have been omitted. :PVUIPSJFOUFE .FTTFOHFS"QQ YO ESFTTVQUZQF 4MFFQUP&BSO Chillnite %VFUPTQBDF DPOTUSBJOUT  TPNFQBSUTIBWF CFFOPNJUUFE TOMATE "WBUBSFEJUJOH BQQUIBUNBLFT BOZPOFMPPLDVUF Avacha "OPOZNPVT RVFTUJPOTFSWJDF Ninjar "QQGPS TVQQPSUJOHPOFT GBWPSJUFJEPMT PSDFMFCSJUJFT OSK 7PJDFDBMMJOH BQQ Chill Party "QQUIBU QSPIJCJUTTFMpFT m8 2"1PJOUT -JGFTUZMF"QQ POY History to date whoo,tomate,ninjar are still providing 2022 03.02 2022 09.03 2022 10.25 2022 12.15 2020 02.14 2020 06.25 2021 03.24 2021 05.16 2021 06.26 2021 02.14 02 Company History
  10. Number of whoo users Ranked 1st in App Stores &

    Google Play worldwide! 3/15 2/28 2/13 1/29 1/14 12/30 12/15 12,500,000 10,000,000 7,500,000 2,500,000 0 5,000,000 03 Product
  11. (MPCBM 43% 57% +BQBO Global Ratio Whoo is currently used

    in 175 countries, with a high overseas ratio of 43%. It's a product loved globally. 03 Product
  12. We put an end to the media-driven nature of social

    networks and restore the original essence of social networking. Existing social networks have become more like social media rather than genuine social networks. However, whoo allows users to share their location information in real-time, presenting themselves and their friends as they truly are, constructing a genuine social network. What we want to achieve in whoo 03 Product
  13. The challenge is clear. The messenger apps, social networks, and

    video streaming apps that everyone is using today all started as trends among teenagers. People often said, "It's only for young people, right?" However, that's not the case. They have successfully become generalization, with a wide variety of users. whoo's challenge is precisely to achieve this "generalization." Let's work together to create a new standard. whoo's Challenge 03 Product
  14. Culture Fun is subjective and varies from person to person.

    It's okay to think things through on your own, but try to listen to the voices of many whoo crew members. Let's not force anyone to do anything. When in doubt, ask the users. Above all, having fun is the top priority! Let's do enjoyable things together! Within this mindset, there are two things we especially culture: There are plenty of whoo crew members in whoo! 04 Company Organization
  15. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Engineer Designer

    Community Product Manager Corporate 63% 13% 10% 7% 7% ɾ iOS ɾ Android ɾ Backend ɾ Infra ɾ Machine Learning ɾ Swift ɾ Kotlin ɾ Ruby ɾ AWS ɾ GCP Engineer ɾ Figma ɾ Photoshop ɾ Illustrator ɾ Blender ɾ Maya Designer Community Product Manager Corporate 19 members 4 members 3 members 2 members 2 members Breakdown of members We are working hard on recruitment. 04 Company Organization
  16. Work Environment (Full-time employee) Work system : 11:00-16:00 core time

    (with a 1-hour flexible break) Work location : Full remote or work at Shibuya office Currently, all members work fully remotely However, those who wish tocan work at Shibuya office Days off : Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays Commuting Allowance : Up to 50,000 JPY/month Benefitsz : Full-spec MacBook provided, up to 100,000 JPY for peripheral equipment purchase (full-time employees only) Social insurance and labor insurance coverage 04 Company Organization
  17. Other systems in place Family System: Full Remote Work: We

    can respond flexibly to family situations, even during core working hours. Pets like cats and dogs are, of course, considered family members as well. CEO Harada has two children, so he takes care of daily daycare drop-offs and pickups, and when his children have a fever, he prioritizes their care before starting work. Currently, all employees are working fully remotely, but if desired or necessary, it is possible to work at the Shibuya office. 04 Company Organization
  18. Upon joining the company, a full-spec MacBook Pro is provided.

    Additionally, you can purchase peripheral devices within a budget of 100,000 yen (approximately $1,000). 11:00-16:00 core time (with a 1-hour flexible break), and the remaining 4 hours are fully flexible. You can take naps or breaks and adjust your working hours individually to achieve the best performance. Necessary Equipment Purchase System: Flexible Working Hours: Other systems in place 04 Company Organization
  19. Member Residences Members from all over Japan are thriving in

    their respective areas. Tokyo Kanagawa Chiba Saitama Aichi Shizuoka Hyogo Hiroshima Yamaguchi Hokkaido Okinawa Korea 04 Company Organization
  20. At LinQ, there is no strict evaluation system or grading

    system cdefined yet. However, the current goal is to increase whoo's DAU (Daily Active Users), and this metric is used as the evaluation criterion. We believe that the growth of the product is achieved not by the actions of specific individuals but by the actions of everyone. As the DAU increases, everyone's salary will increase accordingly. Evaluation System 04 Company Organization
  21. Recruitment Process Document Screening Interviews Trial Employment Job Offer We

    check the applicant's resume and work history to confirm the career fit with the position applied for. Join us as a contractor for a minimum of 2 weeks to several months, during which both parties can confirm the actual working style, culture, and align expectations for after joining the company. Please consult with us regarding your desired start date. STEP1 STEP3 STEP4 STEP2(2~3times) All interviews are conducted online. 1st: Casual interview with Harada, CEO 2nd:Interview with Harada, CEO & Takeda, CTO 3rd: Informational interview with team members (if necessary) We have candid conversations to ensure a culture match between the applicant and our company. *Reference checks may also be conducted. 05 Recruit
  22. Contact us from here Recruitment page Recruitment information and positions

    can be found on our website. Informational interview If you would like to talk to us first, you can contact us by going to CEO Harada's Facebook page. Let's start with a conversation! Feel free to contact us. 05 Recruit
  23. In conclusion Although many users around the world are using

    our service, when considering the goal we are aiming for, we are still at about a 5% phase. We are not thinking about short-term monetization right now, but rather focusing on expanding our user base. We are looking for people who can join us in creating whoo in a fun and collaborative way. If you think, "I'm the one," please don't hesitate to contact us. We look forward to receiving your application!
  24. 1 Company Overview 2 Company History 3 Product 4 5

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