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Me, Myself & The Tech Community

Me, Myself & The Tech Community

My talk about how I got involved with the tech community, my initiatives to promote diversity-friendly events, workshops and conferences. Slides include upcoming events for Aug/Sep 2016.

whykay 🏳️‍🌈🦄

August 03, 2016

More Decks by whykay 🏳️‍🌈🦄

Other Decks in Technology


  1. TEXT ‣ Founded 2012 ‣ Started with 3 GameCrafts ‣

    Nearly 30 events since ‣ Dublin, Derry, Belfast, Cork, Limerick, 
 Thurles, London, Vienna, New York
  2. TEXT ‣ Founded 2012 ‣ Started with 7 workshops ‣

    Nearly 65 workshops since ‣ 70 Mentors
  3. DOESN’T HAVE TO BE IN IRELAND Get involved ‣ Nominated

    fellow ‣ Grants Workgroup ‣ Was on the board ‣ Various Workgroups
  4. at

  5. UPCOMING EVENTS ➤AlterConf Dublin ➤ Sat Aug 6 @ The

    Vaults, Dogpatch Labs, CHQ, IFSC, D1 ➤ https://www.alterconf.com/conferences/dublin-ireland ➤Python Ireland ➤ Wed Aug 10 @ Against the Grain, Wexford St, D2 ➤ http://www.meetup.com/pythonireland/events/231358844/ ➤PyLadies Dublin ➤ Tue Aug 16 @ Udemy, Grand Canal Street, D2 ➤ http://www.meetup.com/PyLadiesDublin/events/231864780/ ➤Galway Intro to Python Workshop ➤ Tue Aug 23 @ The PorterShed, Galway ➤ http://witsireland.com/events/?event_id=27 ➤Coding Grace Limerick R Workshop ➤ Sat Aug 27 @ The Pavilion, University of Limerick ➤ http://www.codinggrace.com/events/limerick-data-analysis-r-tidyverse-toolkit/70/
  6. UPCOMING EVENTS ➤ Ruby Ireland: Nightmare on Elm Street (Mick’s

    talk) ➤ Tue Aug 16 @ Zendesk, 1 Grand Parade, D2 ➤ http://www.meetup.com/rubyireland/events/233059844/ ➤ #1stFriBrekkie ➤ Except for August, it’s on the 1st Friday of each month held at DDDA Building, Custom House Quay, Dublin 1 ➤ Check out https://twitter.com/hashtag/1stfribrekkie for news and follow @TechinDub ➤ Lunch & Learn ➤ Fri Sept 2 @ Dogpatch Labs, CHQ, IFSC ➤ https://ti.to/irish-tech-lunch-learn/september-2016-remote-working

    Part 1: Intro to boardgames design ➤ Sat Aug 20 @ Pulse College, Halston Street, D1 ➤ http://www.codinggrace.com/events/refig-nip-part-1-boardgame-design/72/ ➤ Part 2: Interactive Fiction with Twine ➤ Sat Aug 27 @ Pulse College, Halston Street, D1 ➤ http://www.codinggrace.com/events/refig-nip-part-2-interactive-fiction-twine/ 73/ ➤ Part 3: 2D Games in Unity3D with Fungus ➤ Sat Sep 3 @ The Vaults, Dogpatch Labs, CHQ, IFSC, D1 ➤ http://www.codinggrace.com/events/refig-nip-part-3-unity-fungus/74/ No experience required. Enquiries: contact@codinggrace.com
  8. REFERENCES ➤ Coding Grace ➤ codinggrace.com | @codinggrace ➤ August

    newsletter: http://eepurl.com/b_pVKf ➤ PyLadies Dublin ➤ dublin.pyladies.com | @PyladiesDub ➤ GameCraft ➤ gamecraft.it | @globalgamecraft ➤ Women in Technology & Science Ireland (WITS) ➤ witsireland.com | @witsireland