Who we are, what we do and how did we get to where we are today, such as our events (incl. PyCon Ireland), integrating with other user groups in Ireland, and so on.
meet up again. He was pretty much sitting on his own nursing a pint of Guinness in the pub for a couple of months, he felt pretty sad about it all until my husband, Michael, and a couple of others turned up. I also joined soon after and there was a core six of us meeting up every month. I ended up taking over organising the monthly event.
26 January 12 It was hard to drum up new joiners, there wasn't as many tech meet up groups as there are now in Dublin. Back then, there were ILUG, PHP UG. Even with talks organised in city centre universities like Trinity College, we manage to double our numbers. Over the years, we held many events, two smalls unconferences, and many successful pub meet ups and talk sessions. Numbers have steadily increased from a trickle to between 20-30 people turning up on a monthly basis. I was told by Steve Holden (PSF chair) that we were the largest active Python meet up group in 2010.
the largest active Python user group outside of Seattle* *Chat with Steve Holden at PyCon Ireland 2010 Thursday, 26 January 12 We were lucky to have Steve Holden over to Ireland for a special event last year, it was our very first PyCon Ireland event in Dublin. The idea of the conference was borne out of a drinking session of a few of us (I don't drink though) at a pub in February and they thought it would be a great idea to host our conference in July! With no sponsor contacts, no idea what to do with venues, speakers, ticket prices, etc., we still went ahead with the plan. And it paid off. The future plan was to gain enough experience to host EuroPython in Ireland.
Ireland talks • Invited RabbitMQ speaker • Xmas Techie table quizes • Code Beers • Dublin Game Craft (dublingamecraft.com) • Science Gallery Ambassador / Hack the City / OpenData Thursday, 26 January 12 From 2010's conference feedback, people asked why we didn't integrate with other user groups in Dublin (& Ireland). So I extended my organising of events to other user groups which now included past successful events like - Code Retreat (3 so far - url) - Christmas Techie Table Quizes for charity - Joint Ruby Ireland and Python Ireland talks - Invited RabbitMQ speaker And invited to participate/point of contact for: - Python Ireland Ambassador (Science Gallery) - Hack the City (Dublin City of Science 2012) - Irish governments Open Data Initiative Future events: - Dublin Game Craft - Science hackday - Code Beers - Python Coding nights