the default behavior of an event to occur (such as a form submission). 此方法不會處發事件的預設行為,例如表單的submit While .trigger() will operate on all elements matched by the jQuery object,.triggerHandler() only affects the first matched element. Trigger會運作在所有的元素,但triggerHander()只會作用在第 一個符合的元素 Events created with .triggerHandler() do not bubble up the DOM hierarchy; if they are not handled by the target element directly, they do nothing. triggerHander( )不會將事件往上傳遞。 Instead of returning the jQuery object (to allow chaining), .triggerHandler() returns whatever value was returned by the last handler it caused to be executed. If no handlers are triggered, it returns undefined 如果沒有事件函數被觸發,trigger會回傳undefinde