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Real Integration Tests with TestContainers

Real Integration Tests with TestContainers

How are you doing integration tests with your datastore?

* Mocking is not an option since you want to test the actual system.
* There are some in-memory implementations, like H2 or HSQLDB for relational databases, but there are still subtle differences to your production system and not all datastores have in-memory cousins.
* Using the actual datastore in your tests is possible, but managing it, running tests in parallel,... is far from ideal.

So what is the solution? There is a very neat solution based on containers: TestContainers. From your tests you can start a lightweight, throwaway instance of your datastore and this talk will walk you through on how to do that as well as alternatives with docker-maven-plugin.

Philipp Krenn

January 29, 2019

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