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How cheap serverless realli is?

February 20, 2020

How cheap serverless realli is?

The most compelling reason for having a Serverless architecture is cost. In most cases this means that you only pay for the time your app is running which sounds great. Why would you want to pay for something while it's not even running?

However, sounds like things are not that simple nowadays. With Serverless comes a lot of side costs like storage, execution time, and sometimes even bandwidth consumed. In this talk we will break these down and show you how cost effective Serverless really is based on different numbers. It's going to be mind blowing, at least my mind was blown when I found out. So are you ready to be spoilt 😁?


February 20, 2020

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  1. Yas Developer Advocate @TelstraDev Lead consultant @ Te lstraP u

    rp le @yash in ts yash in ts.d e v /in /yash in ts
  2. @yashints Agenda ◂ History ◂ Com m on g rou

    n d s ◂ Costs on Azu re Fu n ction s ◂ Sim p le fu n ction s ◂ Larg e scale ap p s ◂ Costs on AW S Lam b d a ◂ Su m m ary
  3. Containers Bare-metal VMs Hardware OS b in /lib b in

    /lib AP P 1 AP P 2 Hard w are OS b in /lib b in /lib AP P 1 AP P 2 OS1 OS2 Hyp e rvisor Hard w are OS b in /lib b in /lib AP P 1 AP P 2 Con tain e r e n g in e
  4. ◂ Delegated infra management ◂ P ackag e d ap

    p s ◂ Can ru n in con tain e rs ◂ Han d lin g w orkload b y clon in g @yashints
  5. Breaking it down ◂ # of Executions ◂ Exe cu

    tion tim e ◂ Storag e @yashints
  6. Free Seems free to me 0.20 $ Per 1,000,000 Eve

    ry se con d - e ve ry d ay = 2,628,0 0 0 < 4 0 c @yashints First 1,0 0 0 ,0 0 0
  7. Gb-s Rounded to nearest 128MB First 4 0 0 K

    fre e Execution time ↑ 100ms 25MB => 128MB => 0.125 GB-s @yashints
  8. Hello world Every second every day Free 2,628,000 * 0.100

    = 262,800 @yashints 262,80 0 * .125 = 32,850 Gb -s
  9. Storage Azure - $0 .0 275 p /GB => First

    TB AW S - $0 .0 23 p /GB => First TB GCP – 5 GB p /m fre e - $0 .0 26 p /GB Free @yashints
  10. @yashints Facebook 510K ❤ - 293K status – 136K photos

    939,000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 = 2.43389e12 0 .20 c * (2.4 3389e 12 – 1,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 fre e )
  11. @yashints Facebook 2.43389e12 * 1 2.43389e12 * .125 = 3.04236e11

    GB -s (3.0 4 236e 11 – 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 ) * 0 .0 0 0 0 16
  12. AWS - Facebook ◂ 128MB ◂ 2.4 3389e 12 p

    /m ◂ 1S @yashints $5,557.380.87