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Elixir cluster

Elixir cluster

Yutaka Nishimura

September 05, 2016

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  1. ࣗݾ঺հ w ג ϑΝϯίϛϡχέʔγϣϯζ w ٕज़։ൃ෦ w αʔόαΠυɺΠϯϑϥ w +BWB4DBMB

  2. &MJYJSͷಛ௃ w ϓϥοτϑΥʔϜ w 4DBMBCJMMJUZεέʔϧ͠΍͢͞ w 'BVMUUPMFSBODFରো֐ੑ w ݴޠ w

    'VODUJPOBMQSPHSBNNJOHؔ਺ܕϓϩάϥϛϯά w &YUFOTJCJMJUZBOE%4-T֦ு͠΍͢͞ͱ%4- w πʔϧʢΤίγεςϜͱର࿩؀ڥʣ
  3. ϕʔε͸ʮϊʔυʯ w ϊʔυ͸#&".7. w #&".7.͸ɺ&SMBOH&MJYJSͷ࣮ߦ؀ڥ w 04ͷ֤छػೳΛ଱ো֐ੑΛߴΊͯಠࣗʹ࠶࣮૷ͯ͠Δ7. w ΫϥελϦϯάػೳΛݴޠ7.ϨϕϧͰඪ४αϙʔτ w

    ઀ଓͰ͖Δϊʔυ w ϩʔΧϧ-"/Πϯλʔωοτ w ϊʔυؒͰͰ͖Δ͜ͱ w ϩʔΧϧϊʔυͰͰ͖Δ͜ͱʢϓϩηεىಈɺॲཧ࣮ߦͳͲʣ͸΄΅Ͱ͖Δɻ w 4FSWFS$MJFOUΑΓ΋ɺ1FFS1FFSʹ͍ۙ

    #&". OPEF!YDPN 8"/ ϓϩηε"  ϓϩηεىಈ  ॲཧ࣮ߦ  ࣮ߦ݁Ռฦૹ ̍ ̎ ̏ ϓϩάϥϜ ϓϩηε#
  5. )FMMP8PSME w MPDBMIPTUͰىಈͨ͠ϊʔυؒͰ)FMMP8PSME % iex --sname one iex(one@huracan)1> % iex

    --sname two iex(two@huracan)1> Node.connect(:'one@huracan') true iex(two@huracan)2> Node.list [:one@huracan] iex(two@huracan)3> Node.spawn_link(Node.list |> hd, fn -> IO.puts ‘Hello World, in #{Node.self}' end) #PID<8477.68.0> Hello World, in one@huracan
  6. ϊʔυͰࢼ͢ʢ̍ʣ ϊʔυ઀ଓ͢Δ % iex --sname one --cookie cookie1 iex(one@huracan)1> %

    iex --sname three --cookie cookie1 iex(three@host_b)1> Node.connect(:'one@huracan') true iex(three@host_b)2> Node.connect(:'two@huracan') true iex(three@host_b)3> Node.list [:one@huracan, :two@huracan] % iex --sname two --cookie cookie1 iex(two@huracan)1>
  7. ϊʔυͰࢼ͢ʢ̎ʣ ϓϩάϥϜΛఆٛ͢Δ % iex --sname one --cookie cookie1 iex(one@huracan)1> defmodule

    Hello do ...(one@huracan)1> def hello(name) do ...(one@huracan)1> IO.puts 'Hello #{name}, in #{Node.self}.' ...(one@huracan)1> end ...(one@huracan)1> end iex(one@huracan)2> Hello.hello(‘foo’) Hello foo, in one@huracan. % iex --sname two --cookie cookie1 iex(two@huracan)1> defmodule Hello do … লུ iex(two@huracan)1> Hello.hello(‘foo’) Hello foo, in two@huracan. % iex --sname three --cookie cookie1 iex(three@host_b)1> Hello.hello(‘foo’) ** (UndefinedFunctionError) undefined function Hello.hello/1
  8. ϊʔυͰࢼ͢ʢ̏ʣ ผϊʔυͷϓϩάϥϜΛ࣮ߦ % iex --sname three --cookie cookie1 iex(three@host_b)6> Hello.hello('bar')

    ** (UndefinedFunctionError) undefined function Hello.hello/1 (module Hello is not available) iex(three@host_b)3> Node.list [:one@huracan, :two@huracan] iex(three@host_b)4> Node.list |> Enum.map(fn(node) -> ...(three@host_b)4> Node.spawn_link(node, fn -> ...(three@host_b)4> Hello.hello('bar') end) ...(three@host_b)4> end) Hello bar, in one@huracan Hello bar, in two@huracan [#PID<8193.132.0>, #PID<9717.84.0>]