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Hono - Ultrafast web framework for Cloudflare W...

Yusuke Wada
November 26, 2022

Hono - Ultrafast web framework for Cloudflare Workers, Deno, Bun, and Node.js

Yusuke Wada 2022.11.26 JSConf JP

Yusuke Wada

November 26, 2022

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  1. Yusuke Wada 2022.11.26 JSConf JP Hono Ultrafast web framework for

    Cloud fl are Workers, Deno, Bun, and Node.js
  2. Me • Yusuke Wada • Supervisor at TravelBook Inc. •

    Web developer, Web framework developer • https://yusukebe.com/ • https://github.com/yusukebe 2
  3. Today's topics • Core concepts of Hono 1. Multi-runtimes 2.

    Ultrafast 3. Middleware 4. Experience 3
  4. Who is using Hono • cdnjs API Server • Drivly

    - Commerce infrastructure for the automotive industry • Ultra - Zero-Legacy Deno/React Suspense SSR Framework • Deno cli/bench/http 7
  5. Hono works on... • Cloud fl are Workers / workerd

    • Vercel Edge Runtime • Fastly Compute@Edge • Deno • Bun • Node.js • and more... 11
  6. Thanks to Web standards • Zero-dependencies / No poly fi

    ll • Web-interoperable Runtimes will be powered by WinterCG 17
  7. Node.js • Fastify • Reqs/sec 63417.00 5358.22 67487.06 • Express

    • Reqs/sec 20709.94 1683.03 23045.34 • Hono with @honojs/node-server • Reqs/sec 32054.95 2642.04 35583.36 28
  8. Node.js - router 29 Decode URI, Handle Query strings Does

    not support regexp Does not support regexp
  9. 3+1 Routers 1. StaticRouter • Fastest, supports only static routes.

    2. RegExpRouter • Faster, supports almost routes. 3. TrieRouter • Slowest, supports all routes. 
 But it's faster than other routers in the world. 31
  10. RegExpRouter • Match the route with using one big Regex

    made before dispatch. • By @usualoma • https://speakerdeck.com/usualoma/ultrafast-js-router 36
  11. 37

  12. StaticRouter • Optimized for static routings • Does not support

    dynamic routings such as "path parameters" 38
  13. SmartRouter • The default router • Automatically picks the best

    router from the three routers. 40 • StaticRouter • RegExpRouter • TrieRouter
  14. Small core • hono.ts • context.ts • compose.ts • request.ts

    43 Basic app with Wrangler: Total Upload: 34.15 KiB / gzip: 8.26 KiB
  15. Three types of Middleware • Built-in Middleware - including the

    package • Custom Middleware - created by the users • Third-party Middleware - depends on external libraries 44
  16. Built-in Middleware • Basic Auth • Bearer Auth • Cache

    • Compress • CORS • Etag • html • JSX • JWT Auth • Logger • Pretty JSON • Serve Static • Validator 45
  17. Third-party Middleware 49 • GraphQL Server • Firebase Auth •

    Sentry • tRPC (?) ref: https://github.com/honojs/hono/issues/582
  18. Easy to write tests • With `jest-environment-mini fl are` •

    We can do test `Request` to `Response` 55
  19. With Cloudflare R2 65 • github.com/yusukebe/r2-image-worker • Store and Deliver

    images with R2 backend Cloud fl are Workers. ref: https://github.com/yusukebe/r2-image-worker
  20. Pico 75 Pico is ultra-tiny (about 1kB) web framework using

    URLPattern. Pico works on Cloud fl are Workers and Deno. Pico is compatible with Hono.