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Back of First Screen AB test of Hatena Bookmark iOS app with Firebase AB Testing

Yutaro Muta

July 22, 2019

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  1. • Yutaro Muta @yutailang0119 • Hatena Co., Ltd. @Kyoto •

    Conference Staff • builderscon 2017, 2018 • try! Swift Tokyo 2019, 2020 • ࠷ۙͷਪ͠͸Combine framework Who am I ?
  2. A/BςετπʔϧʹٻΊͨ͜ͱ • [Must] A or Bͷ੾Γସ͑Λ֎෦ (ΞϓϦϦϦʔεαΠΫϧ֎) ͔Βߦ͑Δ • ঢ়ଶʹ߹Θͤͯը໘ଆΛ੾Γସ͑Δ

    • ςετதͷෆ۩߹΍݁Ռʹ໌Β͔ʹେ͖ͳ͕ࠩग़ͨࡍʹɺׂ߹Λมߋ • Ϗδωεతͳ͋Ε͜ΕʹରԠͰ͖ΔΑ͏ • [Better] ෼ੳπʔϧͱͷ૬ੑ΍ݕূͷ͠΍͢͞
  3. Remote Config͔Β஋Λऔಘ // Fetch from Remote Config func fetch() {

    let expiration: TimeInterval = (60 * 60 * 3) remoteConfig.fetch(withExpirationDuration: expiration, completionHandler: nil) } // Activate fetched Remote Config settings func activateFetched() { remoteConfig.activateFetched() }
  4. Remote ConfigͰऔಘͨ͠ઃఆ஋͔Βը໘Λग़͠෼͚Δ let viewController: UIViewController switch remoteConfig.viewSetting { case .a:

    viewController = AViewController() case .b: viewController = BViewController() } // Add to ContainerView viewController.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false addChild(viewController) containerViewController.addSubview(viewController.view) viewController.didMove(toParent: self) NSLayoutConstraint.activate([NSLayoutConstraint]) // Switch ViewController by Remote Config let viewController: UIViewController switch remoteConfig { case .a: viewController = AViewController() case .b: viewController = BViewController() default: viewController = DefaultViewController() } // Add to ContainerView viewController.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false addChild(viewController) containerViewController.addSubview(viewController.view) viewController.didMove(toParent: self) NSLayoutConstraint.activate([NSLayoutConstraint]())
  5. ॳճFetchͷ޻෉Ҋ 1. Fetch͕׬ྃ͢Δ·Ͱɺը໘Λwait͢Δ Pros: ॳճ΋A/Bςετͷઃఆ஋Λ൓өͰ͖Δ Cons: ଴͕ͪ࣌ؒൃੜɺFetch͕ࣦഊͨ࣌͠͸Ͳ͏͢Δʁ 2. Fetch͕׬ྃͨ͠Βଈ࠲ʹ൓өͤ͞Δ ->

    ࠷ॳ͸default஋Ͱը໘Λදࣔ -> Fetchޙ͙͢ʹ RemoteConfig.activateFetched() -> ը໘ͷߋ৽ Pros: ࣮૷্ͷߟྀ఺͸গͳ͍ Cons: Ϣʔβʔ͸࢖༻தʹUI͕มߋ͞ΕΔͷͰɺڻ͔͘΋ 3. ࣍ճىಈ࣌·Ͱ଴ͭ -> ىಈ࣌ʹͷΈ RemoteConfig.activateFetched() Pros: ࣮૷্ͷߟྀ఺͸গͳ͍ Cons: 2ճ໨Ҏ߱ͷىಈʹͨͲΓண͚ͳ͍ͱɺςετͰ͖ͳ͍