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Distributed Collaborative Construction in Mixed Reality

Distributed Collaborative Construction in Mixed Reality

Distributed collaboration, portable mobile applications, natural user interfaces and comprehensive systems have been identified as future research directions in recent reviews about mixed reality in construction. On the other hand, current research in the mixed reality field addresses movement and anthropometric realism as critical success factors for an immersive virtual environment. Advances in object tracking, online (human) 3D reconstruction and gestural interfaces accompanied by wearable mobile displays provide us with the technological base to contribute to the challenges in both areas. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive immersive environment for a distributed collaborative construction process in a mixed reality setup. Participants on remote sites, solely equipped with smart see-through glasses, are cooperating in the construction of a virtual 3D model combining real (tangibles) and virtual objects. We consider our solution to give most suitable support for a distributed collaborative construction task by increasing the immersion of the environment, i.e.: (1) creating the impression of real collaboration by mirroring the behavior of participants in a common virtual scene; (2) providing more natural interaction through freehand gestures; (3) increasing the physical experience of the user through wearable 3D displays and construction with tangibles.

Christian Blank

February 25, 2015

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  1. distributed collaborative construction in mixed reality Christian Blank, Malte Eckhoff,

    Iwer Petersen, Raimund Wege and Birgit Wendholt February 25, 2015 Immersive Interactive Environments (I2E), University of Applied Science Hamburg
  2. Research Statement Related Work System Overview Components Current State &

    Future Work Blank, Eckhoff, Petersen, Wege, Wendholt 1
  3. research statement Figure: I2E Working Environment. ∙ Distributed collaboration ∙

    Mixed reality construction ∙ Constraint-based construction ∙ Physical / gestural interaction ∙ Full range of motion ∙ Virtual presence Blank, Eckhoff, Petersen, Wege, Wendholt 3
  4. physical collaboration in mixed reality Figure: MirageTable Scenarios [BJW12]. +

    Distributed collaboration + Mixed reality construction + Physical interaction (+) Virtual presence - front view – Gestural interaction – Constraint-based construction – Range of motion Blank, Eckhoff, Petersen, Wege, Wendholt 5
  5. prototyping in mixed reality Figure: MixFab [WLK+14]. + Mixed reality

    construction + Gestural interaction – Distributed collaboration – Constraint-based construction – Physical interaction – Range of motion – Virtual presence Blank, Eckhoff, Petersen, Wege, Wendholt 6
  6. system overview Current State Mobile Display and Positioning Scene Visualization

    Construction Logic Tangible Tracking Gesture Recognition Reconstruction Hamburg Internet New York Paris Hamburg System at Location Sensor- Component Logic- Component Output- Component WAN Connection LAN Connection 1. 2. Figure: (1) Client instance and component data flow. (2) Client instance distribution. Blank, Eckhoff, Petersen, Wege, Wendholt 8
  7. construction logic using constraints BUILDING BLOCK CONSTRUCT 1. 2. BUILDING

    BLOCK CONSTRUCT 3. Connection point with constraints Building Blocks Figure: (1) Connection points for possible joints of building blocks and the construct. (2) Composite construct. (3) Joining the composite construct and building blocks. Blank, Eckhoff, Petersen, Wege, Wendholt 10
  8. tangible tracking and mixed construction Figure: Rotation invariant marker-based tracking

    of cubes that represent building blocks. Blank, Eckhoff, Petersen, Wege, Wendholt 11
  9. gesture recognition Physical Gestures Figure: Physically correct interaction with virtual

    objects. Interpreted Gestures ∙ Movement of user in 3d space ∙ Template-based matching algorithm similar to [KNQ12] ∙ Recognized gestures can mapped to commands Blank, Eckhoff, Petersen, Wege, Wendholt 12
  10. visualization, mobile display and positioning Mobile Device 3D Scene Renderer

    viewport field of view viewport resolution viewport transform rendered scene tag-based positioning place camera picture here see-through glasses 1. 3. 2. Figure: (1) Marker-based positioning of the mobile display. (2) Scene rendering for the mobile perspective. (3) Mixed reality view. Blank, Eckhoff, Petersen, Wege, Wendholt 14
  11. user reconstruction Figure: (1) Scanning setup using four cameras. (2)

    Resulting depth images. ∙ Visual support for virtual collaboration [MBS+11] ∙ Online 3D reconstruction ∙ Reconstruction from multiple depth images Blank, Eckhoff, Petersen, Wege, Wendholt 15
  12. user reconstruction Depth- & Colorimage source Mesh- Processing Mesh- Streaming

    Image- processing Point cloud processing 3. 1. 2. Figure: Above: reconstruction pipeline. Below: Single camera reconstruction result. Blank, Eckhoff, Petersen, Wege, Wendholt 16
  13. current state Middleware Intra-client communication tested Construction logic Implemented and

    tested Tangible tracking Implemented and tested Gesture recognition Physical gestures implemented and under test User reconstruction Pipeline tested using single camera Mobile, Display and Positioning Dataflow between mobile and renderer established Blank, Eckhoff, Petersen, Wege, Wendholt 18
  14. future work Middleware Inter-client communication must be implemented Tangible tracking

    Using approach without markers Gesture recognition Combination and evaluation of concept User reconstruction Multi-camera calibration and handling Mobile, Display and Positioning Using head-tracking for viewport calculation Blank, Eckhoff, Petersen, Wege, Wendholt 19
  15. references Hrvoje Benko, Ricardo Jota, and Andrew Wilson. Miragetable: Freehand

    interaction on a projected augmented reality tabletop. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI ’12, pages 199–208, New York, NY, USA, 2012. ACM. Per Ola Kristensson, Thomas Nicholson, and Aaron Quigley. Continuous recognition of one-handed and two-handed gestures using 3d full-body motion tracking sensors. In Proceedings of the 2012 ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI ’12, pages 89–92, New York, NY, USA, 2012. ACM. Erin A. McManus, Bobby Bodenheimer, Stephan Streuber, Stephan de la Rosa, Heinrich H. Bülthoff, and Betty J. Mohler. The influence of avatar (self and character) animations on distance estimation, object interaction and locomotion in immersive virtual environments. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization, APGV ’11, pages 37–44, New York, NY, USA, 2011. ACM. Christian Weichel, Manfred Lau, David Kim, Nicolas Villar, and Hans W. Gellersen. Mixfab: A mixed-reality environment for personal fabrication. In Proceedings of the 32Nd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI ’14, pages 3855–3864, New York, NY, USA, 2014. ACM. Blank, Eckhoff, Petersen, Wege, Wendholt 21