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The One Little Food That Can Have a Big Impact ...

September 27, 2024

The One Little Food That Can Have a Big Impact on Your Heart Health

Uncover the one little food that can have a big impact on your heart health -pumpkin seeds, or pepitas! These crunchy, flavorful snacks are not just delicious; they’re loaded with protein, antioxidants, and vital nutrients that promote a healthy heart. Snack smart and enjoy the heart-boosting benefits of these little powerhouses!

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September 27, 2024

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  1. The One Little Food That Can Have a Big Impact

    on Your Heart Health Did you know that heart disease causes an average of one death every 37 seconds in the US, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine? In fact, heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the US. Quite shocking, isn’t it?
  2. With statistics like this, we all should be keeping heart

    health top of mind. And while heart health requires many lifestyle modifications, one easy one to adapt is to increase your consumption of pumpkin seeds.
  3. Surprisingly, pumpkin seeds are an incredibly versatile food that contain

    many of the vitamins and minerals that help increase our heart health. And not only are they great for you, but they also can be eaten and enjoyed in a variety of ways all year long.
  4. Your Takeaways Eating pumpkin seeds can help you regulate your

    blood pressure, cholesterol, and more. Make pumpkin seeds a regular part of your balanced diet. It’s easy! And yes, pumpkin seeds = pepitas.