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Function-oriented programming with Elixir

Adolfo Neto
September 24, 2021

Function-oriented programming with Elixir

This is a talk I gave at the Elixir Kenya meetup on September 24th, 2021.

Adolfo Neto

September 24, 2021

More Decks by Adolfo Neto

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  1. Overview - Who am I? - Why Elixir? - What

    is a mathematical function? - Functions in Programming Please ask questions during the talk
  2. Who am I? - Associate Professor at the Federal University

    of Technology - Paraná - Curitiba, Brazil
  3. I am a member of the Education, Training, & Adoption

    Working Group of the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation
  4. Additional links: - Livebook of the presentation: https://github.com/adolfont/pensandoemelixir/blob/main/2021/elixir_kenya.md - Witchcraft

    https://github.com/witchcrafters/witchcraft - ICFP'21 Tutorials - Teaching Functional Programming https://youtu.be/tdJsUCdGZbQ - Racket https://racket-lang.org/ - CAES005 - Introduction to Functional Programming https://github.com/adolfont/caes005-introduction-to-functional-programming