Many organizations use Varnish at origin and Akamai at the Edge for scale, availability, and offload. This “dual-layer” of caching delivers a “best-of-both-worlds” approach for customers employing both solutions.
This approach has its challenges. Disparate caching layers mean Varnish users who want to take advantage of Akamai’s caching can endure operational inefficiencies.
To help overcome these challenges, Akamai and Varnish have collaborated to deliver the Akamai Connector for Varnish. The Connector allows Varnish administrators to use the VCL to integrate their Varnish instances at origin with Akamai at the Edge.
Join Davey Shafik, Akamai Developer Evangelist; Colin Bendell, Akamai CTO Office; and Dag Haavi Finstad, Varnish Software Engineer; for our webinar.
In this webinar, you’ll learn:
How to install and configure the Akamai Connector for Varnish
How the Connector works, and where to use it
Real-world examples of how it has proven effective