retrieval services for data from HST and all MAST-supported missions User-friendly and scientifically useful search and cross-correlation tools Development and support for inter-archive communication and data transfer standards MAST
years ! 10,000! Refereed papers ! 1,000! Number of proposals received each year ! 100! Graduate students supported each year ! 10! Redshift of most distant galaxy candidate ! 1! Nobel prize Hubble Powers of 10
Virtual Earth have revolutionized the way we look at our planet Microsoft’s World Wide Telescope & GoogleSky are revolutionizing the way we look at our universe
B Data Center C Observatory X Observatory Y Few Data Standards, Some Protocols Past Observations of small, carefully selected samples of objects in a narrow wavelength band
Debris Mark Crater Features (Bench / Mound / Flat, Dark haloed, Fresh white, elongate pits) Mark Linear Features (Boulder tracks, Crater chain, Sinuous channels, Other linear feature) : Project Overview
0:00 5/24/10 0:00 6/13/10 0:00 7/3/10 0:00 7/23/10 0:00 8/12/10 0:00 9/1/10 0:00 9/21/10 0:00 10/11/10 0:00 More than 60,000 images classified by 1022 people between 9/15 and 9/20
Visualizing, and Curating • Consider data and algorithms as “the product” • Adopt semantic technologies to enable automated metadata tagging, clustering and mining • Transition to the new astronomy • Citizen Science • Social Science?
Archives established as research tools • New era of data sharing and standards • Decadal Survey set future priorities CREDIT: A. SZALAY/JHU; SOURCE: NRAO BIG DATA
for handling large datasets are lacking • Cloud hosting solutions still expensive ‣ Hubble Archive on Amazon $500K+/yr • Unclear which commercial solutions can fit science needs Technological Challenges
No geographic federation of large data sets • Scalable statistical algorithms over massive dataset are lacking • Still no clear career for people “in between” • Overlay “Journal of Data” overdue (coming!) CREDIT: A. SZALAY/JHU; SOURCE: NRAO BIG DATA
Statistics, Applied Mathematics • We must leverage partnerships with industry interested in enabling “new science” • We must learn to be humble and ask for help • We must remember that we have the greatest datasets in the world (universe really!) The Way Forward