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OpenShift: Developer productivity booster

OpenShift: Developer productivity booster

It covers main OpenShift advantages from development process perspective

Alexey Novakov

January 21, 2020

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  1. What is it? • Customized version of K8s (Origin Kubernetes

    Distribution) • Additional APIs (resources) • Nice UI, better than any Cloud provides has • Built-in image build/deploy (light CI/CD) • Developed by Helps a lot
  2. $ oc OpenShift Client This client helps you develop, build,

    deploy, and run your applications on any OpenShift or Kubernetes compatible platform. It also includes the administrative commands for managing a cluster under the 'adm' subcommand. To create a new application, login to your server and then run new-app: oc login https://mycluster.mycompany.com oc new-app centos/ruby-25-centos7~https://github.com/sclorg/ruby-ex.git oc logs -f bc/ruby-ex oc - includes kubectl plus specific OpenShift commands
  3. DeploymentConfig resource Like standard Deployment resource plus: - Automatic rollbacks

    - Triggers - Lifecycle Hooks - Custom Strategies Triggers new deployment upon new image version
  4. ImageStream resource • OpenShift comes with built-in image registry •

    ImageStream represents a view of image repository • Can be used with DeploymentConfig, BuildConfig • Usually created with: oc new-build ... docker-registry.default.svc:5000/<project>/base-centos7
  5. Route resource Feature Ingress on OpenShift Route on OpenShift Standard

    Kubernetes object X External access to services X X Persistent (sticky) sessions X X Load-balancing strategies (e.g. round robin) X X Rate-limit and throttling X X IP whitelisting X X TLS edge termination for improved security X X TLS re-encryption for improved security X TLS passthrough for improved security X Multiple weighted backends (split traffic) X Generated pattern-based hostnames X Wildcard domains X