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Being a “Mobile” Developer in 2020

Being a “Mobile” Developer in 2020

I share my thought in selecting which multi platform framework for creating a mobile app in 2020. To become a true "mobile" developer.

Muhammad Alif Akbar

July 21, 2020

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  1. Hello I’m Alif A Mobile App Developer Ye a h

    , th a t g u y... illus by: https:icon8.com EST. 2017
  2. 1. Platform / Device Barrier 2. PC Spec’s Barrier 3.

    Programming Languange Barrier A Web Developer
  3. Which To Choose? But, Let’s see their knowledge prerequisite +

    Node + ES6 + JSX + Redux + Webpack/Gulp/Grunt/Browserify + SASS/LESS + Anykind view lib(s) + Yaml It depends on your preferences and previous knowledge For building a nice looking app HTML, CSS, JS............................... Dart...................................................
  4. right? But, still, when you need to build the app,

    it need AS / Xcode Not, so “mobile” again
  5. right? But, then, at least you need a laptop since

    you can’t install it on server Not, so “mobile” again
  6. https://github.com/cdr/code-server Read about setup on https://alifakbar.com Oh sure you can,...

    using vs code on server Notice the browser tab bar flutter on terminal
  7. 1. All Platform / Device 4. Soon to be used

    for fuschia 2. Low minimum PC Spec’s 3. Only 1 Programming Language
  8. illus by: https:icon8.com So, Who Are the true Mobile App

    Developer? It still depends on your understanding