‘The Camera Shop’.! They sell lots of different cameras and photography gear to a variety of customers, though most of them are passionate photographers.! They want to know how they can appeal to more customers who don’t consider themselves photographers and who spend less on cameras (but there are more of them).! Before they commission a large piece of research, they want to see what insight we can give about this audience.! We need to quickly create a comic that shares some of the problems and potential solutions The Camera Shop could provide to laymen photographers.!
compact camera.! He has shopped around, but has been overwhelmed by the variety and choice of cameras.! He doesn’t want a lot of fancy features, but he does care about the image quality.! He has up to £100 to spend.! He is looking for help to make a decision.!
because his current one has broken. He wants to replace his camera before he goes on holiday.! He has looked on several websites, but has been overwhelmed by the choice. He needs help to refine appropriate cameras into a more manageable shortlist, or even to find the best one for him.! The site or app needs to allow him to control his searching and browsing so he can manage the volume of results. It needs to give him choice but not overwhelm him.! He needs to be able to look at cameras based on their size (he wants it to be compact), their image quality (it needs to take nice pictures) and its price (it must be under £100).!
broken 3. Bob looks for cameras online 4. Bob gets overwhelmed 5. Bob finds The Camera Shop 6. Bob finds ‘The Compact Camera’ finder 7. Bob filters compact cameras by price and size 8. Bob finds a camera he is interested in 9. Bob browses photos taken with the camera from Flickr 10. Bob feels satisfied and purchases the camera
over 80 colloquial names recorded that people use to describe this common land-based crustacean. How woodlice can help your website The humble woodlouse is known by many names Depending on where you go, you can hear people talking about woodlice using vastly different names, for instance: 'slater' (scotland), 'Grammersow' (cornwall) and even 'Boat Builder' (CANADA). Did you know? roly poly Slater Butcher boy But why should this matter to you?