photo you took on your phone (nothing rude please!).! You need to understand the whole process your partner went through to take the photo.! Make sure you take notes!! ! Later on: You will use this to make a comic that shows how they took the photo.!
the story here? ! - How can it be summarised into a single image?! - What dialogue (if any) is needed?! - Plan how you will lay out the elements in your panel – do at least three thumbnail sketches before starting your actual panel! - Once you’ve planned it DRAW IT!!
over 80 colloquial names recorded that people use to describe this common land-based crustacean. How woodlice can help your website The humble woodlouse is known by many names Depending on where you go, you can hear people talking about woodlice using vastly different names, for instance: 'slater' (scotland), 'Grammersow' (cornwall) and even 'Boat Builder' (CANADA). Did you know? roly poly Slater Butcher boy But why should this matter to you?
any problems your partner had taking their photo. ! Tweet @almostexact photos of your comic with the hashtag #UXBristol! The comic with the most re-tweets by 12noon tomorrow will get a prize J! ! AKA ‘Homework’