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Codemotion Milan: Computational Randomness

Codemotion Milan: Computational Randomness

Amanda Sopkin

November 30, 2018

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  1. To encrypt, a table of alphabets can be used, termed

    a tabula recta, Vigenère square or Vigenère table. It has the alphabet written out 26 times in different rows, each alphabet shifted cyclically to the left compared to the previous alphabet, corresponding to the 26 possible Caesar ciphers. At different points in the encryption process, the cipher uses a different alphabet from one of the rows. The alphabet used at each point depends on a repeating keyword 1500s: Vigenère’s system
  2. WW2: Engima Machine The rotors rotate at different rates as

    you type on the keyboard and output appropriate letters of cipher text. In this case the key was the initial setting of the rotors.
  3. Note on block cipher encryption A block cipher is an

    encryption method that applies a deterministic algorithm along with a symmetric key to encrypt a block of text, rather than encrypting one bit at a time as in stream ciphers. For example, a common block cipher, AES, encrypts 128 bit blocks with a key of predetermined length: 128, 192, or 256 bits.
  4. 1. You generate a random key. 2. You use that

    key to encrypt your data. 3. I send you my public key. 4. You use my public key to encrypt your random key. 5. Send both the encrypted data and the encrypted random key to me. 6. I use my private key to decrypt your random key. 7. I use your random key to decrypt the data. @amandasopkin
  5. 1. Determined that user ids were seeded with restart time

    2. Crashed the Hacker News site 3. Predicted restart time 4. Predicted assigned user ids as users logged in 5. Impersonated discovered users @amandasopkin
  6. “...would allow NSA to determine the state of the random

    number generator, and thereby eventually be able to read all data sent over the SSL connection.” DUAL_EC_DRBG Controversy
  7. • 09/2013: One of the purposes of Bullrun is described

    as being "to covertly introduce weaknesses into the encryption standards followed by hardware and software developers around the world." DUAL_EC_DRBG Controversy
  8. • 2004: Dual EC PRNG introduced • 08/2007: Shumow and

    Ferguson present Dual_EC_DRBG flaw at cryptography conference • 11/2007: Schneier bases article in Wired on their findings DUAL_EC_DRBG Controversy
  9. • 09/2013: One of the purposes of Bullrun is described

    as being "to covertly introduce weaknesses into the encryption standards followed by hardware and software developers around the world." • 12/2013: Presidential advisory examines encryption standards • 2014: Standard is removed DUAL_EC_DRBG Controversy
  10. Who did this impact? Microsoft, Google, Apple, McAfee, Docker, IBM,

    Oracle, Cisco, VMWare, Juniper, HP, Red Hat, Samsung, Toshiba, DELL, Ruckus, F5 Networks, Lenovo, Nokia, the RSA BSAFE libraries for Java and C++ and more....
  11. 1. Pass statistical tests of randomness An ideal pseudo random

    number generator should... Monobit Distance Poker or Craps Birthday
  12. 1. Pass statistical tests of randomness 2. Take a long

    time before repeating An ideal pseudo random number generator should... Have a long “period”
  13. 1. Pass statistical tests of randomness 2. Take a long

    time before repeating 3. Execute efficiently An ideal pseudo random number generator should... & Quick Low storage
  14. 1. Pass statistical tests of randomness 2. Take a long

    time before repeating 3. Execute efficiently 4. Be repeatable An ideal pseudo random number generator should...
  15. 1. Pass statistical tests of randomness 2. Take a long

    time before repeating 3. Execute efficiently 4. Be repeatable 5. Be portable An ideal pseudo random number generator should... Can be run on any machine or system
  16. Linear congruential generators Linear congruential generators take the form xk

    = (axk−1 + c) (mod M) where x0 is the seed, the integer M is the largest representable integer, and the period is at most M.
  17. Linear congruential generators a = 3 c = 9 m

    = 16 x0 = 4394 def lcg(): xi = x0 for i in range(10): xi = (a*xi + c)%m print(xi)
  18. Mid square method generally Start with a 4 digit seed

    Square this value If the result has fewer than 8 digits, add leading 0s Take the middle 4 digits of the result Repeat the sequence
  19. Mid square method generally Start with a 4 digit seed

    Square this value If the result has fewer than 8 digits, add leading 0s 96707556 9834 96707556
  20. Mid square method generally Start with a 4 digit seed

    Square this value If the result has fewer than 8 digits, add leading 0s Take the middle 4 digits of the result Start with a 4 digit seed Square this value If the result has fewer than 8 digits, add leading 0s 9834 96707556 96707556 7075
  21. Mid square method generally Start with a 4 digit seed

    Square this value If the result has fewer than 8 digits, add leading 0s Take the middle 4 digits of the result Repeat the sequence Start with a 4 digit seed Square this value If the result has fewer than 8 digits, add leading 0s 9834 96707556 96707556 7075 50055625
  22. Mid square method seed_number = int(input("Please enter a four digit

    number:\n[####] ")) number = seed_number already_seen = set() counter = 0 while number not in already_seen: counter += 1 already_seen.add(number) number = int(str(number * number).zfill(8)[2:6]) print(f"#{counter}: {number}") print(f"We began with the seed {seed_number}, and" f" we repeated ourselves after {counter} steps" f" with {number}.")
  23. Mid square method Please enter a four digit number: [####]

    5859 #1: 3278 #2: 7452 #3: 5323 #4: 3343 #5: 1756 #6: 835 #7: 6972 #8: 6087 #9: 515 #10: 2652 ....... #59: 24 #60: 5 #61: 0 #62: 0 We began with the seed 5859, and we repeated ourselves after 62 steps with 0.
  24. Most used pseudo random number generator Very long period (the

    Mersenne prime: 219937 − 1) Not cryptographically secure The Mersenne Twister
  25. Predicting the random() module from random import random import matplotlib.pyplot

    as plt def uni(n, m, a, c, seed): sequence = [] Xn = seed for i in range(n): Xn = ((a*Xn + c) % m) sequence.append(Xn/float(m-1)) return(sequence) x = range(1000) y_1 = uni(1000, 2**32, 11695477, 1, datetime.now().microsecond) y_2 = [random() for i in range(1000)] plt.plot(x, y_1, "o", color="blue") plt.show() plt.plot(x, y_2, "o", color="red") plt.show()
  26. The Secrets module Is cryptographically secure Includes ready made “batteries”

    for Users that don’t want to build their own Uses 32 bytes of entropy by default
  27. Source code of Secrets module from random import SystemRandom _sysrand

    = SystemRandom() randbits = _sysrand.getrandbits choice = _sysrand.choice def randbelow(exclusive_upper_bound): return _sysrand._randbelow(exclusive_upper_bound) DEFAULT_ENTROPY = 32 # number of bytes to return by default def token_bytes(nbytes=None): if nbytes is None: nbytes = DEFAULT_ENTROPY return os.urandom(nbytes) def token_hex(nbytes=None): return binascii.hexlify(token_bytes(nbytes)).decode('ascii') def token_urlsafe(nbytes=None): tok = token_bytes(nbytes) return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(tok).rstrip(b'=').decode('ascii')
  28. SystemRandom Uses OS as a source of randomness Not available

    on all systems Does not rely on software states Sequences are not repeatable
  29. /dev/urandom Will not block without sufficient entropy Relies on “the

    kernel entropy pool” Faster than /dev/random Theoretically vulnerable to attack
  30. Using the secrets module to get tokens import secrets token1

    = secrets.token_hex(16) token2 = secrets.token_hex(10) print(token1) print(token2) d2bdc979d5ecec0dccf67854459c5284 584d93ac921d3c74be9c
  31. Using the secrets module for password generation import secrets import

    string alphabet = string.ascii_letters + string.digits password = ''.join(secrets.choice(alphabet) for i in range(10)) print(password) i3OFMKPr8q
  32. Popular algorithms • AES: made of three block ciphers: AES-128,

    AES-192 and AES-256. Each cipher encrypts and decrypts data in blocks of 128 bits using cryptographic keys of 128-, 192- and 256-bits
  33. Popular algorithms • RSA: based on the practical difficulty of

    the factorization of the product of two large prime numbers, the "factoring problem."
  34. Python’s “nuclear reactor” of Randomness "...folks really are better off

    learning to use things like cryptography.io for security sensitive software, so this change is just about harm mitigation given that it's inevitable that a non-trivial proportion of the millions of current and future Python developers won't do that."
  35. Is very important for security Difficult to truly achieve Can

    be simulated Randomness... @amandasopkin
  36. Sources: • Icons taken from flaticon.com • https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/51232/using- 32-hexadecimal-digits-vs-ascii-equivalent-16-character- password

    • https://dev.to/walker/pseudo-random-numbers-in-python-f rom-arithmetic-to-probability-distributions • Wired Magazine • The Washington Post • NYT • Dilbert