Want to split up your Rails app into pieces but not sure where to begin? Wish you could share controller code among microservices but don't know how? Do you work on lots of projects and have boilerplate Rails code repeated in each?
Rails Engines may be your answer.
We will build a simple Rails engine and understand how this app-within-an-app architecture can help you write more modular code which can be gemified and reused across multiple projects.
The video will be made public... eventually.
In the meantime, you can check out the code from the "live code" portion at https://github.com/amcaplan/forget and https://github.com/amcaplan/cacher. I also edited my notes from the live code portion, and published them at https://gist.github.com/amcaplan/0841065fdb69966b860f
For your convenience, here are the links from the talk.
Links throughout the presentation:
Further information links:
GoGaRuCo 2012, Erik Michaels-Ober - “Writing a Rails Engine” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsRPxS7Cu_Q
Ben Smith - “Leave your migrations in your Rails engines” - http://blog.pivotal.io/labs/labs/leave-your-migrations-in-your-rails-engines
RailsConf 2015, Stephan Hagemann - “Get started with Component-based Rails applications!” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsRPxS7Cu_Q
Brian Leonard, “Rails 4 Engines” (Blog post about splitting up an application) - http://tech.taskrabbit.com/blog/2014/02/11/rails-4-engines/
Rocky Mountain Ruby 2013, Ben Smith - “How I architected my big Rails app for success!” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDaBtqEYNBo
Stephan Hagemann, “Migrating from a single Rails app to a suite of Rails engines” - http://blog.pivotal.io/labs/labs/migrating-from-a-single-rails-app-to-a-suite-of-rails-engines
Will Read, “Experience Report: Engine Usage That Didn't Work” - http://blog.pivotal.io/labs/labs/experience-report-engine-usage-that-didn-t-work