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Automated Security Analysis AWS Clouds

Automated Security Analysis AWS Clouds

* Cloud security assessment
* Most common vulnerabilities in AWS accounts, and how to prevent them:
* Open S3 buckets
* Secrets in EC2 user-data
* IAM privilege escalation
* Security Groups: Least Privilege
* Open source tools
* Closing thoughts


November 15, 2018

More Decks by andresriancho

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  1. /me • Application and cloud security expert • developer •

    Open source evangelist • w3af project leader • Independent security consultant
  2. Agenda • Cloud security assessment • Most common vulnerabilities in

    AWS accounts, and how to prevent them: ◦ Open S3 buckets ◦ Secrets in EC2 user-data ◦ IAM privilege escalation ◦ Security Groups: Least Privilege • Open source tools • Closing thoughts
  3. Cloud Security Assessment: Query the APIs Since this terminology is

    new for most professionals, let's take a minute to define what a cloud security assessment is: Identify vulnerabilities and bad practices by querying the AWS API Keep in mind that these assessments won't identify vulnerabilities at the application level (e.g. SQL injections), or vulnerabilities at the infrastructure level (e.g. root user with guessable credentials).
  4. Scan using open source tools Most cloud security assessments are

    performed using manual configuration review and open source tools such as: • https://github.com/nccgroup/Scout2 • https://github.com/duo-labs/cloudmapper • https://github.com/RhinoSecurityLabs/pacu • https://github.com/toniblyx/prowler • https://github.com/cloudsploit/scans And custom scripts, usually written in Python with the boto library, to extract information related with AWS services not supported by those tools.
  5. Massive AWS cloud! A few months ago I was hired

    to perform a cloud security assessment on a massive AWS account: • 500k USD / month billing • 2500 EC2 instances • 200 RDS instances • 2000 IAM users and roles • 250 IAM groups • 500 security groups And a really long list of experiments with almost all AWS services.
  6. Automate, automate, automate • In most assessments I manually review

    each resource, configuration, policy and source code line. In this case, because of the large number or resources and the limited time, it was impossible to do that. • Automated the assessment as much as possible • But… what was I looking for?
  7. 4 out of 400 There are ~400 known vulnerabilities which

    can affect an AWS account, this talk only covers 4 of them.
  8. Open bucket with sensitive information S3 is one of the

    most commonly used and misconfigured services. The vulnerability is simple to understand: the developer configures an S3 bucket to be accessible by any anonymous user, and then uses it to store sensitive information. An attacker will eventually find this bucket and access all the sensitive information. Note: In some cases, such as storing public JS and CSS files for your site, it is fine to have open S3 buckets.
  9. Secrets in EC2 user-data EC2 user-data is run when the

    instance starts and is commonly used to configure the server with a bash script. This script might contain credentials to connect to other services, such as RDS databases, S3 buckets or REST APIs provided by third-parties. aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-abcd1234 --user-data file://script.sh ...
  10. Secrets in EC2 user-data An attacker with access to AWS

    account credentials with permissions to run ec2:DescribeInstanceAttribute will be able to retrieve the user-data scripts. After downloading all the scripts the attacker extracts the hard-coded credentials and uses them to pivot and escalate privileges in the target AWS account.
  11. Preventing secrets in user-data AWS' Secrets Manager can be used

    to store and retrieve application secrets. In order to consume the secrets manager service, EC2 instances must have an attached IAM role with permissions to read their secrets: $ aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id talks/AndresSecret ... { "ARN": "arn:aws:...", "Name": "talks/AndresSecret", "SecretString": "i-love-empanadas", ... } ProTip: For increased security use a resource based policy to limit the source VPC which can access each secret. This will prevent leaked credentials from being used to read secrets.
  12. IAM privilege escalation AWS users, roles and groups have associated

    IAM policies which describe which AWS APIs can be consumed. This example policy allows the associated principal to start and stop instances which are tagged with his username. { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ec2:StartInstances", "ec2:StopInstances" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:*:*:instance/*", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "ec2:ResourceTag/Owner": "${aws:username}" } } } ] }
  13. IAM privilege escalation An attacker with access to AWS account

    credentials with permissions to run the iam:PassRole and ec2:RunInstances actions can create a new EC2 instance and associate an arbitrary role with high privileges to it. The attacker then connects to the new instance using SSH and requests the AWS access keys from the EC2 instance metadata. { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "iam:PassRole", "ec2:RunInstances" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }
  14. IAM privilege escalation There are around 20 known IAM privilege

    escalation techniques, most of them allow a user with the right privileges to gain full AWS account access, others allow the user to escalate privileges to specific roles. Other privilege escalation techniques worth mentioning: • Passing a role to a new Lambda function, then invoking it • Updating the code of an existing Lambda function that runs with a privileged role
  15. Preventing IAM privilege escalation Preventing IAM privilege escalation is simple

    in theory but complex to do at scale: 1. Use the least privilege principle for all users, roles and groups 2. Review the policies to make sure no role can escalate privileges using known techniques (fancy name for a set of IAM privileges) 3. Prevent exploitation by reducing user's permissions. For example, if a user requires iam:PassRole restrict the action to be allowed only on specific roles. Use tools such as Scout2 and CloudMapper to identify potential issues and manually confirm them.
  16. Open Security Groups Security groups protect EC2, RDS and other

    important services at the network level: think "cloud firewall". They are used to configure which source IP addresses can connect to a service. Open security groups allow an attacker that gained access to an EC2 instance to pivot inside the company VPC. Open security groups generate poorly or non-segmented networks.
  17. Feel the pain Source Action Allow Allow

    Allow Allow When performing a security assessment I try to understand why things are done in a particular way. Can you guess what happen with this DB security group?
  18. Open Security Groups Recommendations to prevent open security groups: •

    Always use security groups as source in SG rules • Never use IP address ranges (public or private) as source Source Action the-app-sg Allow
  19. Open S3 buckets Secrets in EC2 user-data IAM privilege escalation

    Open Security Groups Scout2: The good • Focus on automated cloud security scanning • Queries the AWS account and downloads all the necessary information to a JSON file. Then applies rules to the local database to identify vulnerabilities. • Generates HTML report • Good vulnerability coverage
  20. Open S3 buckets Secrets in EC2 user-data IAM privilege escalation

    Open Security Groups Scout2: The bad • Only identifies a subset of the potential IAM privilege escalation vulnerabilities. As with other fields, running multiple tools will improve coverage and yield better results. • Takes considerable time to run (~3 hours for large AWS accounts) • Provides no description for the identified vulnerabilities
  21. Open S3 buckets Secrets in EC2 user-data IAM privilege escalation

    Open Security Groups Scout2: The ugly • JSON file can be large (600mb). This file is loaded into the browser memory to show the HTML report, which made all browsers crash. Had to run the tool again, limiting the services to check in order to generate smaller reports which would fit in browser's memory. • Found important improvements in the first 10 minutes
  22. Open S3 buckets Secrets in EC2 user-data IAM privilege escalation

    Open Security Groups Prowler: The good • Focus on automated cloud security scanning • Good vulnerability coverage • Identifies a different vulnerability set than Scout2 (with considerable overlap). ProTip: Run both tools and merge results to get higher vulnerability coverage.
  23. Open S3 buckets Secrets in EC2 user-data IAM privilege escalation

    Open Security Groups Prowler: The bad • Output is written to text file or console. Difficult to extract the information in a programmatic way. • Written in bash, took 12h to run on the target AWS account. • Provides no description for the identified vulnerabilities • Found crash in the first 5 minutes • Found important improvements in the first 10 minutes
  24. Open S3 buckets Secrets in EC2 user-data IAM privilege escalation

    Open Security Groups Pacu: The good • Focus on cloud exploitation • The user selects and runs specific modules to exploit vulnerabilities. • There are modules for downloading the user-data for all instances and for identifying privilege escalation issues.
  25. Open S3 buckets Secrets in EC2 user-data IAM privilege escalation

    Open Security Groups Pacu: The bad • The security expert needs to manually review the user-data scripts to identify any hard-coded credentials
  26. Open S3 buckets Secrets in EC2 user-data IAM privilege escalation

    Open Security Groups CloudMapper: The good • Focus on manual cloud security analysis • The user runs specific commands to extract AWS account information and identify vulnerabilities. • Implements wot (web of trust) command which enumerates all the permissions granted to other AWS accounts.
  27. Open S3 buckets Secrets in EC2 user-data IAM privilege escalation

    Open Security Groups CloudMapper: The bad • Very poor vulnerability coverage: 10 / 400
  28. Expert required • Cloud security scanners are giving their first

    steps, they don't have full vulnerability coverage, it is common to crash the scanner, and require considerable time to run. • Severity ratings associated with some vulnerabilities are completely incorrect and might lead to incorrect prioritization by AWS admins. • The scanner output often includes only the vulnerability title, affected resources, and nothing else. • Multiple tools and custom scripts need to be run to extract and merge all the vulnerability information.
  29. Attackers are coming • Your AWS account will be attacked,

    it is just a matter of time. It will happen in the next 2 minutes, days or years… but eventually… it will happen. • Perform periodic cloud security assessments to identify vulnerabilities and reduce risk.
  30. Run Trusted Advisor • Trusted advisor is a free AWS

    service which allows users to identify security vulnerabilities in AWS accounts. • The vulnerability coverage is very low, but it's a good first step towards improving the security of your AWS account.
  31. For hire Does your company or startup need these services?

    • Application Penetration Test • Secure Coding Training for Developers • Source Code Review • Cloud Security Assessment Let me know, I can help you deliver secure web applications.