References 3-4.35 Descriptive statistics: graphs More types of graphs are available under Graphics in Stata’s menu bar. Editing of the graphs to suit individual preferences (for example changing default colors, inserting text, etc.) can be done explicitly in the Graph Editor, by left clicking on the graph and selecting “Start Graph Editor". Alternatively, one could use a series of commands. For the pie chart that we plotted previously, we can label the slices with the names of the regions, and specify the colors we want on each slice. In addition, we can determine how we want the plot region to look like, and give a title to the chart, as well as specify the source of data. We do this using the following command: graph pie, over(region) plabel(_all name,size(*1.5) color(white)) legend(off) plotregion(lstyle(none)) pie(1, color(red)) pie(2, color(purple)) pie(3, color(blue)) pie(4, color(navy)) title(”US regions size by number of states") subtitle(”1980 Census data")note(”Source: Stata website")